What are some reasons you wouldn’t text a woman after a good flirty first date?

  1. Trying to not seem too eager, being super busy catching up with stuff you put off for the date, or hell, future plans were mentioned that aren’t compatible with how I want to live my life. The options are pretty endless

  2. In the hospital,dead,sitting with wife,found out related,lost number,forgot name,they were funnier than me.

  3. Showing that you aren’t needy/desperate, giving you the illusion of having other options and being more busy than i really am, or i can just see if you’re actually interested in me by seeing if you would text me first, if you don’t text me first, i’d know that you’re not interested or are too prideful to do so and i’d be better off moving on

  4. I thought this was some new rule. No contact for a week because your not suppose to show interest. Fuck, i stay confuse.

  5. * Maybe it was just her who perceived the date as “good”. If I have to create the atmosphere and inject the magic all by myself, she might enjoy herself but she surely ain’t getting a second date
    * Maybe I’m busy and want to text her when I actually have time for a long conversation
    * Maybe I found out / was made aware of a deal breaker on her part after the date and decided to cut my losses

    … are the three reasons that come to mind.

  6. I can act flirty and interested and still be bored out of my mind / not find you attractive or the date any good.

  7. So I “get” the whole dating ritual thing. You’re interested, you’re not interested, you’re interested but you don’t want to appear too interested so you pretend you’re not interested so that they’re interested, blah blah blah blah, [insert complex mating ritual here]

    It’s just, you know, I stopped caring. If there’s no explicit fucking interest, then there’s no point.

    I’m too old and too tired to try and figure out when you’re interested or just pretending to be interested.

  8. If I asked her out and paid for the date it’s etiquette she would text me with a thank you if she’s interested in dating more. If I’ve put out the effort to plan and pull off a date and she can’t be bothered to text, it’s pretty clear she’s not interested. I already chased her by asking her out.

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