so i’ve never really hosted a “party” before. i was told that i should try to branch out more to the people around me (i’m not that socially awkward and i’m not a recluse, but i kind of agree i should branch out more). someone in our friend group originally wanted to host a party, but it wouldn’t work out at her house, so i offered to host it.

i bought pizzas and picked up some of my friends who weren’t able to drive yet and set up the party. I’m used to inviting a couple friends over at a time, but this time i had almost twenty people in the same room… friends invited friends and the turnout was much larger than i anticipated. we played some card games, ate snacks, played video games and just tried to hang out.

there was a lot of drama already within our group, so i was hoping this might fix it or ‘ease the pain’ for some. it didn’t. there was so much passive aggressive drama happening that one wouldn’t know just from observing. my brother’s ex girlfriend (who he broke up with two days ago) showed up to the party- to display her passive-aggresive additude to my real friends…. the nerve, i swear!!! she wasn’t the only one, there was plenty of superficial emotions in play…

everyone left around 10 at night, so i sat down and watched tv with one of my actual friends who was spending the night, and that was far more enjoyable.

I’m kind of seen as a leader of sorts amongst many of them and people frequently ask for my advice, even if were not super close, and i genuinely enjoy trying to help people. but even then, a lot of these so-called ‘friends’ are terrible to my actual friends and it really is just their image they care about, a grand illusion. they don’t actually care about each other, it’s become a lot of little clicks in a big group and i’m tired of it. I could care less about image. i’m done being the nice guy, i’m done inviting them to do stuff.

it was probably good to throw a party, cause now everyone can see each person’s true colors, but i’m never hosting a party again. i was completely out of my element, the entire idea felt forced and everything was superficial

now for the advice i guess–

if you think you have to host or go to some huge party for new years, you really don’t. please hang out with your real friends and/or family. the friends who care about your well-being and are there for you, like iron sharpening iron. don’t try to be everyone’s friend, it’s not even possible. i’d rather spend ten minutes with a real friend than a night with a bunch of fakes

i hope this post isn’t too negative, but i hope there’s one person out there who would glean from hearing this. i hope you guys are doing well, thank you for reading

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