So I have had very male-oriented interests in the past like computers and martial arts. I’m thinking of getting more into art or hiking or something in order to not be so rigid and self-centered.

Is trying to expand my interests unattractive to women? Is that dishonest? I’m trying to get into more different things so I can be more well-rounded.

  1. Seek out women who like you as you are. As for expanding your interests, do that for yourself not just to attract women. The more well-rounded you enables you to relate to a larger array of people.

  2. if you’re going to do it, do it for your own reasons, not because you’re trying to attract women

  3. > I’m trying to get into more different things so I can be more well-rounded.

    This is something you should do anyway, regardless of the motivation.

    You’re a human being, and thus allowed to have interests and be curious about new things, and explore them. This is your right, independent of any impact on dating and relationships.

    Besides… many women find a well-rounded guy to be more attractive…


    >I’m thinking of getting more into art or hiking or something in order to not be so rigid and self-centered.

    A worthy goal.

    Go for it!

  4. Broadening your interests and hobbies is always great, as long as you’re doing it for the right reasons.

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