New year trying new relationships again. I did use matchmaker Tawkify before and while none of the dates worked out but I would say 4 out of the 6 were people who I would like to date further.
Just wonderingif anyone had good experiences with matchmaker agencies .. it comes down to 1k per date essentially for tawkifyand I am thinking of returning or maybe if there’s better place?

  1. I’ve used them twice…8 dates…8 of the worst dates I have ever been on in my entire life…the problem with them is pretty straightforward…they want to get you off their books and they only have limited people to choose from…so, for example, one of the women said she goes on like 5 dates a week because the company keeps sending her out…i.e. they were sending her out with pretty much everyone they could. So I ended up with women so fundamentally incompatible it was borderline comical. They ignore pretty much every single one of my (very few) must have’s.

    My 8 dates cost like $1500 ($1000/4 with one company and $500/4 with another). If given the choice between doing that again and flushing the $$ down the toilet, I’d save myself the headache and flush it down the loo.

  2. From my experience, matchmakers are both predatory and ineffectual. Predatory because they’re asking absolutely bonkers prices for setting up dates and they can do this because they prey on your fear of being alone. Ineffectual because they’re not really doing anything more than you can do yourself, with more options, for free, on a dating app. I have never paid for the service, but I put myself in the free pool and was set up on a few dates and the egregious incompatibility was laughable. From the people I’ve known who have tried matchmakers, I’ve never heard a success story. I’d save your money.

  3. Are you able to get dates without using a matchmaking agency? If not, stick with it. If yes, it’s probably not a good use of money.

  4. The only people I know who had success with a matchmaker were my parents. They married 8 months after the matchmaker introduced them and have been happily married for over 35 years. That was in the 80s though…I don’t really see the advantages of a matchmaking service given the popularity of dating apps, unless it serves to weed out those who aren’t looking for a serious relationship.

    I should also note, my parents were outside of each other’s stated age ranges, and so the main benefit of the matchmaker was that she could see they were perfect for each other regardless of their age preference. Maybe the real lesson here is to be more open minded about our search criteria?

  5. I did it. Had many good dates, none of them led to anything long term although only one refused a second date.

    I did stay in the “pool” of nonpaying people and have been on a few since then. I can say my experience in the pool has been much like the others have said. I don’t get the feeling the matchmaker actually cares about the client but more about finding them someone who’s not completely creepy to go on a date with and get them on to the next subscription period.

    Once a supporter but now having seen both sides, I don’t see the point in it. It’s a waste of money.

  6. You’re smoking to even think of paying that much. The only reason why I talk like this and I sound rude because I want you to get it through your head it’s not me trying to be mean it’s like come on don’t be spending $1000 shoot if that’s the case give me 20 bucks and I’ll hook you up with one of my friends🤣

  7. Depending on where you are in life and what are you looking for and last but not least: where do you live. If you are in a small town where networking is rather difficult, if you are over 40, if you can afford to pay a fee to mitigate the risks and challenges of dating, I think then go for it. But you tried this before right? what didn’t work last time that could or might make it worth trying this again? I know everyone hates dating apps, but half of the bad rep these apps get has to do with people’s unrealistic expectations on both sides. Maybe a MeetUp group? some sort of group activity? a class? a travel group? I mean if you have over $1k to “invest” on meeting people, travelling to meet people abroad might also be something else you could do instead. Best of luck on finding what you are looking for!

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