Throwaway. My ex-boyfriend and I were dating for a month and some change. It was a deep, fulfilling and very personal connection. The sex was amazing, the conversation even better, and I felt like I’d been waiting for him my entire twenties. Like the connection we had was incredibly special – a comet, I suppose. We differed on some things, but that’s what made it good. I enjoyed every part of him, full stop.

He’s recently separated (6 months and moved out) and I asked if he ever thought he would try again with her for the kids (2) sake. He expressed that he missed the lifestyle of having someone to come home to, but didn’t ever want to go back to her for very serious reasons. This is just additional context.

Recently, his grandfather has been going through some health issues. It would take away from the time we would see each other, but I’m a big girl. I told him that priorities shift and we can adjust. Not all relationships are always 50/50, and while his family was going through this rough time, I wanted to be there for him. Hands down. I would miss him, but ultimately, I was glad to have him and to be there for him.

Two days ago, his family had a huge meeting. You can probably guess the level of sick the grandfather had gotten, and I had actually anticipated the purpose of this meeting, but I said nothing. I wanted to wait for him to tell me any news and I was preparing myself for the worst. Except well…

I didn’t expect him to dump me. He didn’t even call me so we could talk about it. He texted me (he said he wouldn’t go through with it if he heard my voice), said he was sorry but he needed to support his family and wanted to step back from everything for a while because his family is hurting due to the impending death of his grandfather. I was (and still am) in shock. Major shock. But despite my shock, I told him I understood, he had my sympathy, and that I would be here if he needed me.

Radio silence on his end. Safe to say, I don’t think he’s coming back ever. I’ve done my crying and rituals, now I want to move on as quickly as possible.

Any advice for getting over the shock and going back to my life before him? I’m in a lot of pain, but any advice (even strong words) will do. (Truthfully, I want to hear someone yell at me or tell me I’m stupid for feeling sad when his grandpa is terminally ill. I feel guilty for feeling so sad and angry.)

TL;DR: my boyfriend broke up with me because his grandpa is dying. How do I get over this pain and go back to living my life as usual?

1 comment
  1. You dated for a month, right after a huge break up?

    You where the break up. The rebound. The meaningless sex.

    Find someone else.


    Also, block him everywhere. Especially on SoMe.

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