this guy who happens to work at the same plaza that I do, he found my number through the store computer where he works, because I have a reward membership thing, and so he was able to look me up on IG and contact me, we talked for a bit and when he told me how young he was I was surprised, so I kinda distanced myself for a bit. he has been coming in and buying things, while asking me when I can go out. He seems like a decent person but I cannot take a guy serious when he’s only 20 years old. Guys at that age usually aren’t mature enough for commitment , or even looking for it most of the time. I prefer older guys or at least closer to my age. Do I directly tell him I’m not interested, or is that kinda dumb and unsafe considering he knows where I work ?? So many scary stories about women getting hurt or killed because they reject guys. Or should I just not say anything / keep blowing it off?

Edit: I wanna mention that at first he said 19, then he said just kidding that he’s 20…so idk what to believe 😀

  1. I’d be less concerned about the age and more concerned about the backdoor way in which he got your contact info

  2. I would make it extremely clear that you are not interested, leaving nothing to guess and no breadcrumbs for future potential. I wouldn’t be nice to him.

    He sounds like a fruit and I would ignore him. Have someone else ring up his items and go in the back.

  3. What he did was illegal, and would cost him his job.ifanagement found out. I would inform them of the incident

  4. Not cool how he got your contact information. Just say you are not interested in having any type of relationship with him and carry pepper spray with you. TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS! Make sure you tell your friends or parents what is going on. Have a friend or relative walk you to your car and try to rotate your work schedule or if you can find work somewhere else. Women want to be nice and not hurt feelings but your safety has to come first.

  5. Definitely a tough situation here. Try casually sharing that you’re not interested in dating or romance at the moment, such that he doesn’t take it too personally.

    Since he seems unnaturally invasive, maybe add something about talking about the prospect of dating with your friends, i.e. ‘My friends asked me before why they can’t get me to budge on not dating. They know about all the people I’ve talked to too, but I still don’t want to date.’ To echo another reply, make sure to convey that someone besides you knows that he is pursuing you. Plus it means that more people know that you are NOT interested, meaning no further pursuit is warranted nor desired.

    Please be safe, OP, and keep your friends and co-workers informed.

  6. This is creepy and bizarre behavior. Anyone with access to personal information shouldn’t use it for personal gain. I might report it to his boss, depends on how crazy you think he is

  7. Why not tell him that you’re seeing someone or that you don’t get involved with people you meet from work?

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