We’ve been together for 3 years and lately I’ve just started to get a little…bored. A little worn out. He meets almost all of my needs except for the fact that things aren’t exciting anymore. He’s also unable to do one thing I really want to try but we all have boundaries and it’s totally fine.

Anyway, I’ve found I really like talking to people online and having male friends. I like the attention and I like the light flirting, but I make sure to not flirt back and also that they know I’m taken and that will not be changing.

Is there a way for my boyfriend to replicate this? To make it seem a little more exciting? I’m very honest with him and we’ve been having some struggles but I love him more than anything, so I want to find a way to meet both of our needs.

If this is a weird issue or something that can’t be fixed just say so, I won’t die if it can’t be met. I just don’t want to be seeking validation from anyone else but him. Thank you!

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