This can be physical or a characteristic

  1. My favorite characteristic is my love of learning & new things. I love picking up new skills, meeting new people, and even just changing things up. It’s especially helpful for big life things because I love researching and figuring out different options.

    Physically, my broad shoulders. I just love how they make me look powerful, and as a lesbian broad shoulders attract a lot of positive attention 😉

  2. Physically, my green eyes. In terms of me as a person, my passion and my willingness to stand up for what I believe in and not care how people perceive it.

  3. Physically-my eyes. They are big and brown
    Personality- my kind and soft heart

  4. I like the shape and size of my lips. They’ve been my favorite part of myself since I was a teen.

    My favorite part of my personality is that I’m genuinely interested in people and their stories. I love people

  5. Physical, I love my chest, legs and long hair.

    Personality, I really love how caring and thoughtful I am. I also try to treat the people in my life very well. I also love how creative and imaginative I can be.

  6. physically- my natural hair color and my curves! i feel insecure sometimes but i always try to circle myself back to how soft and feminine my body shape makes me look 🙂
    personality- i think i’m both really smart and a diligent worker, so i know i’ll be successful in a way that matters to me! i also think i have a good sense of humor, both in making others laugh and being able to laugh at myself!

  7. Physically, I like my scars. As odd as it may sound, they each have a story and I’m quite proud of each of them. Personality-wise, my adaptability. I’d definitely consider that one of my strengths.

  8. Characteristically – I’m resilient AF.

    Physically – I kinda really have the cutest little dimples when I actually smile.

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