Do you think ANYTHING is acceptable in a relationship if it’s talked about and consented by both parties before? Why or why not?

  1. If it’s 1) legal, 2) safe and 3) consensual, then it’s not my business what others do.

  2. If it’s actually illegal, it’s not acceptable. If it forces other people to be involved, it’s not acceptable.

    Other than that, go nuts.

  3. If all participants are of legal age, everyone goes into the situation with full consent, and there’s been ample communication before during and after…friend, you do you.

  4. Depends on what you mean. For example, theft, murder, etc are always wrong.

    For general relationship/sexual boundaries, I’d say as long as

    * it doesn’t affect anyone outside of the relationship
    * if it does, as long as everyone involved has fully consented
    * the consent from all involved persons is freely and enthusiastically given with no pressure, manipulation, coercion, or dishonesty and all involved are adults capable of legal consent
    * the acts are not harmful to any person who hasn’t consented or to any animal
    * the acts would be very unlikely to cause significant or permanent harm to those who have consented to them

    then, I don’t care what agreements people make within their own relationships. They are welcome to have whatever boundaries and agreements they like as long as they fully agree on those things. I’m not involved in their relationships, so what they do together is not my business.

  5. No. Because some people are raised by mental abusers & don’t learn the proper techniques to standing up for themselves. So while this person will consent to appease the other person, they could internally struggle because they don’t know how to ask for what they really want. An example a couple could agree to a threesome, only to have one really dislike it but is afraid to upset their partner.

  6. If it’s safe and consented to I think it’s fair game. There’s a bit of nuance on legal. For example if you’re both MJ users and live where it’s not legal, I don’t see that as a problem.
    Now child abuse or robbing a bank together? That’s a problem.

  7. It is up to the people in a relationship to create, agree and stick to the rules they want to play by. The key part is full, honest MUTUAL communication and agreeance on what that looks like. Withholding information to get the outcome you want is manipulation.

  8. Yes except… Consent is more complicated than saying yes. People can be brainwashed into a culture that tells them something is okay and they should consent. So some things are unethical regardless of consent in my opinion

  9. I would say the emotional, mental and physical well being and happiness as above consent. There are so many ways to manipulate consent

  10. Hell no. What if both parties are ok with raping a kitten, then killing it and fucking on its corpse?

  11. Anything is ok as long as both people consent (and both people are able to consent) and it’s legal. For example, you can’t just stab someone in the eye just because they both consented that is illegal.

  12. You need all three:




    Consent also means that **all parties involved, directly or indirectly** have consented. That means you aren’t allowed to take your ponyboy out for a ride in public.

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