It’s been almost 3yrs since my last real relationship

  1. Whats stopping you from going to the gym and not being chubby? I use to have a body like Kermit the frog and then when I started working out, I got more attention from girls.

  2. What do you expect from these commentators. You say your fat then get up and get at it. It’s a struggle believe me. Majority of us men have been there. As guy, we’re not allowed to have excuse. If you keep up with the excuses then you’ll end up with those 6 ft under.

  3. I’ve seen lots of chubby nerds get with girls!!!! Who are also chubby nerds babe. Manage your expectations

  4. As a fit nerd who hasnt had a date in 4 years, I can tell it’s not about how you look but how you present yourself, and confidence is sexy.

    Best of luck to you, friend 👌🏻

  5. Read some dating books!

    Dating Essentials for Men – by Robert Glover

    Get Inside Her – by Marni Kynrys

    Black Belt Husband – by Quentin Hafner

    3% Man – by Corey Wayne

    The Way of the Superior Man – by David Deida

    These books helped me change my outlook on women and relationships.

  6. if this is tl;dr, just trying to say you shouldn’t change yourself for others, it’s not worth it to chase approval of others.

    why is it immediately “you need to lose weight” when the word chubby is mentioned? to play devil’s advocate for a minute, what if op likes his body as is? what if he doesn’t want to change himself to find a date (that may or may not happen)? losing weight isn’t always the answer. i’m sorry, op, that you’re having a hard time dating. it sucks, i know, but if the only issue is how you look, then maybe it’s for the best that it’s not happening? i know i’d rather be single than with someone who is only interested for my looks (part of the reason i’m taking a break from dating) but maybe i’m misunderstanding the situation? if you want to lose the weight, then by all means, but don’t do it for others. i hope you have better luck in the dating scene soon

  7. It’s all about your life. What kind of life are you leading? What do you have to offer women? If you’re just sitting in your parents’ basement reading comic books and going to work at McDonald’s, you’re not going to have much to offer a woman.

    I tell this to everyone. Write a paragraph or two about your life and career goals. Then a paragraph or two about your relationship goals. Your life and career goals should be intertwined with your relationship goals.

    Then make a list of the non-physical qualities you look for in a woman. These should be qualities thar reflect the type of person she is, as well as the qualities she has to help you achieve your life and career goals.

    You’re going to find that your life and career goals come first, while your relationship goals come second. You’re going to find that most women do not meet your qualifications.

    The fact that you’re working on and accomplishing your goals is super attractive and women will want to be with you, but the fact that you don’t want to be with them drives them even more wild. You’re going to have to decide what to do about that. My advice is to let them know what you’re looking for and see if they’re willing to change to be with you.

    It could be all they want is sex. They’re turned on by you. Let them know it’s going to be something very casual. You don’t want to hurt women.

    As you’re working on and accomplishing your goals, you’re going to meet women organically, for short term or long term relationships.

    I’ve come to discover that the traditional idea of dating is a waste of time. Instead, become the man who is working on and accomplishing his goals and organically attracting women.

    A “date” then is just 1:1 time either in public or private with two people who are already into each other.

  8. My boyfriend is part of a weekly D&D group, he writes fantasy novels, absolutely refuses to go to parties, only listens to classical music, plays video games, and has a phd

    I go to rock concerts, have been in Hustler Magazine, my friends and neighbours ask me to do their makeup when they have a big event, have literally never paid cover for a club, and my Japanese runway model best friend told me the only thing that disqualifies me as a runway model is I’m too short

    …I’m totally obsessed with my boyfriend. I genuinely think he’s the best man to walk this planet. My friends frequently joke they wish he’d teach boyfriend classes or just get cloned because of how I talk about him

    It’s not your interests or looks, it’s how you treat your woman.

  9. Aw, I’m a chubby nerd woman and I love chubby nerd dudes. I’m old, otherwise I’d ask you out. You guys are the hottest seriously.

  10. And here I am all alone because I can’t find a chubby nerd, no seriously I love chubby nerds. Female chubby nerds. I’m a super in shape fit guy can’t get no love.

  11. Looks are important, but many guys much worse looking than me have had much more dating success than I have. Number one quality that sets men apart is how social they are (in my opinion) Men who get a lot of dates are generally social animals. Hard as an adult because it’s easy to keep your head down and interact with almost nobody, and it’s hard to meet new people.

  12. I am a chubby nerd and I am hot. I don’t give a damnnn. Mueheh. You just gotta put yourself out there and not be afraid of rejection. Rejection is not personal. It really isn’t. I’ve had really attractive dudes hit on me and I was just not feeling it. It’s really just about the vibe between 2 people. Just how much people have in common and understand each other.

  13. I’m single after 19yr marriage and also a chubby nerd. y’all are not giving me much hope.

  14. Chubby nerd here dating another chubby nerd! Would not trade to save my life. You’ll find someone who loves you for you, OP

  15. I like ‘em big I like ‘em chonkyaaaaaaa 😊 ain’t nothing wrong with chubby ppl 😊 it’s bout how u r and who u become

  16. I had a chubby nerd and he treated me like an option. Point being looks aren’t everything. I love chubby nerds, just not that one.

  17. As someone currently dating a chubby nerd: Have good hygiene, make an effort at conversation, and act confident even if you don’t feel confident. That’s really all it takes. You’ll find the right person.

  18. It doesn’t matter what you look like anymore. If you don’t have clout or money dating will not be easy. It’s that simple.

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