Hello, I am a college student in my last year, I suffer from serious social anxiety, low self esteem and low confidence issue’s I spent my past 3 year’s in college sitting in my room doing absolute zero social interaction’s, doing nothing,

And now that it’s all ending I’m regreting it, I have no friend’s in college, I can’t even join club’s or volunteer because last year student’s are made to focus on job search,

I want to make friend’s, learn to socialize and have a genuine great last year in college, because this is the only shot I have, this might be my last chance.

But How?

  1. If you’re graduating in a few months, start doing the groundwork for the next stage of your life. Where are you going to live and work? What opportunities to meet people will there be in those places? Can you make some?

  2. Stop sitting in your room all day. Social skills are never built as long as you continue to isolate yourself from others.
    Be proactive. Go out and talk to people in real life. Get comfortable socializing with them. You have to put in the time and effort to socialize. That’s why clubs and other social organizations exist on campus. If you don’t consistently take advantage of them, you will NEVER improve your social skills.

    It’s also time for you to quit having low self esteem and believing you are unworthy. When you believe you are these things, you will act like these things towards others. People notice the way you act and carry yourself around them. They can pick up on whether you are unconfident, nervous, anxious, fearful, worrying, overthinking. For example, a big tell tale sign is when you are overly quiet to the point you contribute way less or not at all during conversations. The cold harsh truth is nobody wants to be around you when you constantly display unworthiness. People gravitate towards somebody who feels worthy to interact with them and brings positive social energy and positive vibes.

    It’s also time you start getting it together in your life. If you want to build confidence and be naturally interesting and appealing to people or if you want people to naturally recognize, value, or appreciate you, you have to be respectable. Period. As an adult, other people by default will not help you nor care about your personal problems or insecurities. You are now responsible for working through your personal problems on your own. People will judge you by what you do and accomplish in life, as well as how you act around them and the value that you bring to their lives. So start exploring, doing and accomplishing things in your life, whether it be your goals and hobbies. Show people that you are well rounded in life and can be respected. Show people you can impact them. It matters a lot. People love to see active confirmation that you are doing constructive things in life.

    All of what I said takes time and effort. There is no substitute to putting in time and effort. You have to be disciplined and you have to execute. Remember a goal without any execution is just a dream. Work hard. Be respectable. Chase excellence.

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