I’m not taking celebrities or tv or something in the news. I’m talking about YOU!

  1. I liked the part where I mashed my foot between a 1 ton t20 truck and a concrete pillar that broke 2 bones in my foot. Admittedly it made me swear. But the resulting 2 and a half months off with full pay was quite pleasant and I was still allowed to take my holiday as well on top. A quarter of my work year sitting on my arse getting paid turned out to be quite a blessing. Unfortunately I have to wait till at least October of next year to fuck myself up again otherwise my company won’t pay for it

  2. Putting down my glass, knowing I had just finished my last ever alcoholic drink.

    Had a few less than stellar moments both before and since, but that one I’ll keep.


  3. I got a distinction for my MA. It all hung on my dissertation grade and logging in to the uni’s portal thing to see I’d done it was probably my top 2022 moment.

  4. Leaving a job and workplace I’d been in for 11 years (where there was no acknowledgment of my years of service or anything- couldn’t remember the last time I had a 1-to-1!) for a job in a different field. In the 2months I’ve been there I’ve had more recognition and positive feedback (even had a 1-to-1!) which has made me feel useful and like I’m actually an asset.

  5. Getting a new job, though I don’t start until February. It’s the first big step up in my professional career after being at the same level for six years. It’s given me a big boost in self esteem and confidence after seeing others in the same line of work progress much quicker than me.

    Oh! And booking tickets to see Pulp four times on their reunion tour next year!

    Oh also I suppose I should include my other half having a mystery lump in her face finally removed by surgery, and it turning out to be benign 😃

  6. Working in a care home whose running I was massively unhappy with, looked for a job elsewhere, company found out I wanted to leave, offered me the job to manage it and then I doubled its quality rating in six months. Everyone living there is much happier, their families are happier and because of this so am I.

    Now trying to cope with impostor syndrome, but that’s better than the impotent internal screaming I used to do at being unable to fix things.

    Second best is finally learning to drive in my 40s after years of thinking that I’d be shit at it.

  7. Single dad. Took my 3 kids on holiday to Tenerife. Numerous times since have overheard them chatting about how great a holiday it was.

  8. successfully getting through the (about nine month long) application process for a new job in the RFA that I’ve wanted for a number of years, and leaving my old retail job last month

    start the new career in two weeks

  9. Winning a battle with a developer who wanted to build a house next door to ours. Did a lot of digging through his development history, and the local councils policies. And the council eventually turned down his application.

  10. I played with a dog, making giant bubbles for them to chase. It’s the happiest 10 mins I had all year.

  11. Enjoying my birthday and new year again, 10 years out of cancer treatment.

    I’ve hated them the last 10 year. Always ended up upset. This year I’m so happy.

  12. Finally moving out and away from home. Soul healing and confronting my childhood to try to understand the toxicity in ‘family’ members ✌🏽.

  13. Got promoted twice at work. Now earning about 30% more than this time a year ago, and in a job I’ve wanted to do for 20 years.

    Still not massive money though, just a big improvement on where I was.

  14. Working up the courage to ask for a pay rise (which was given gladly by the way) my anxiety really keeps me back at times! I’ve had a second payrise since and things just seem to be on the up from there!

  15. Climbed the Inaccessible Pinnacle on Skye for the first time. My daughter, who is a climber, was on lead. Never thought I would so very much a life moment.

  16. Me and the gf went from jobless and getting evicted to getting jobs and a roof over our heads.

  17. Was quite the eventful year for me on a personal level.

    Got engaged.
    Bought a house with my partner and step-kids.
    Found out my partner is pregnant with my first child.

    The last one easily tops the list, though. After numerous fertility tests and problems effectively giving us less than a 10% chance, I am beyond excited.

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