My girlfriend asks me hypotheticals all the time and it’s very annoying. Things like if I’d love her as a worm and such. I say yes but today she texted if I’d sacrifice a 100 people to save her. My roommate told me to lie because that situation won’t ever happen but I feel bad for lying, and also, why would she wanna date me if I’m so easily wanting to sacrifice people? I love her but that’s 100 people. I’d risk myself but not a ton of people, where some of them can hypothetically be children.

Anyways I know the answer she wants to hear but her hypotheticals and annoying and causes mini fights.I obviously won’t break up over this but should I just lie on her hypothetical and tell her to stop asking me these questions? Last time I told her to stop she apologized but still did.

Tl;dr should I lie in all hypotheticals to give her validation or be truthful?

  1. Tell her the truth and tell her that these are ridiculous hypotheticals, and they bother you.

  2. Be truthful so she learns to stop asking stupid fucking questions that are immature even for a teenager let alone an adult.

  3. Is she being serious? I just sent my husband a picture of a slug with lashes and red lips and asked if he would still love me if I looked like that. He just laughed. Obviously I wasn’t serious.

    If she’s being serious, say, “I don’t like these questions. I’m not playing.”

  4. Ask her the real question: why are you feeling so insecure? Fantastical hypotheticals about how far would you go to show your love for her means she’s not feeling love somewhere else.

    Might want to try the 5 love language test. It was a real eye opener for me, who’s wife is 100% quality time, and I’m a big fat zero when it comes to that

  5. A friend of mine once asked me such a question, that if I would kill for her, i simply replied If she would take the punishment for that instead of me. Needless to say she never asked me any such questions.

    Sometimes you don’t have to answer their questions, rather out themselves in a similar hypothetical situation they put you in. This usually shut them up.

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