Hello Reddit!

My first ever post! I enjoy reading this sub and thought perhaps I would see what the community would do if they were in my position

An ‘up to date’ first to help form an opinion

My ex \[22F\] messaged me \[21M\] September 2022 saying how much she missed me and regrets breaking up with me, she suggested we communicate more if we were to try being together again. I mentioned how I would be interested to try being together again if things were to be different to last time (won’t expand to in depth to avoid a very long post)

Since September we have been ‘talking’ we sleep and shower together (no sex) we consider some of our catch ups ‘dates’ we had a conversation about sex, and she mentioned how because its been so long since she has had sex, she doesn’t have much interest in it at the moment.

The other day she mentioned how she was ‘in the mood’, so to me she is now somewhat interested more in sexual activities, I mentioned how we would have a free house, so we could have some privacy and can home some fun. However when the day came she said she wanted to be alone and gave a reason that I don’t really believe but I respected it.

I decided to send her a message, mentioned the opportunity and explained that perhaps she mustn’t have interest in doing those things with me.

Her response was unexpected, she mentioned she ‘isn’t even going to bother with this conversation, it always happens’ and I ‘always do this when things don’t go my way’ This makes me sound like a villain, however with some things she says or does, I sometimes simply and calmly ask for a explanation and try to have a conversation.

She has complained all the guy ‘friends’ she makes always end up wanting sexual things and she ‘gets over it’ Anyway after I calmly replied and asked ‘do you mean this always happens to me?’ Given we are ‘talking’ and not friends, I’m curious if she is including me into her group of ‘all my guys friend want sexual things’ or somehow, after asking for an explanation on this topic for a second time, she thinks ‘it always happens’

She has now said she cant continue because its getting too much. But is this not a natural progression of people talking, wanting to be sexual with the person you are attracted to? We have been ‘talking’ and by her words ‘taking it slow’ since September.

I wonder what this sub thinks of my situation and what you would do next if you were in my situation?

TLDR; Ex messaged me saying how much she misses me, we agreed to try being together but she wanted to go slow, we act and do everything couples would besides sexual activities. I questioned her if she wasn’t interested in that with me, which has somehow now made her feel she cant continue because its ‘too much’

P.S. There are more details and events that have taken place and a lot of history between us (8 years of on and off)

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