I feel like shit even posting this but I need advice. I’ve been with my partner for 4 years all of which have been great. He’s a good person and I never have had any serious complaints or issues in our relationship. He’s always had asthma but it’s gotten a lot worse in the last few years (according to him). His doctor put him on a new medication that seems to be working well- he went from 1 attack per week to 1 in 2 months.

One of the side effects that I’ve noticed is change in mood. Usually, he’s very centered and nonreactive to things- maybe a month after starting the new medication he became very irate and explosive. He gets triggered by almost every minor inconvenience .. he rages and yells and any instance can affect him all day. Last week we were driving and someone threw trash out of their car and we hit it- he sped up to the car and flipped off the driver. I couldn’t believe it. I’ve never seen him be confrontational like that.

So that’s where we’re at. I’m glad the medication works and I know it’s a huge relief for him but I don’t know how to handle these big emotions that come with it.

Now that I’m officially in my 30s I’ve been thinking more critically about my future, the last thing I want is for one of his mood swings to put me in danger. Or for him to lash out at me. I haven’t told him that I’ve noticed a change, I just hear him out and be empathetic when he’s upset. I don’t know how to approach that conversation at all so any advice is helpful. Thanks!

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