In the dating world, what is the equivalent of getting “pumped and dumped” for men?

  1. Usually some reference to being used as a “tool” to complete a singular task.

  2. Taking a lady on a date or multiple dates only for her to drop you. Maybe the spark wasn’t there for example. That’s going to be the direct equivalent. Ladies aren’t entitled to commitment because they let a dude smash. Men aren’t entitled to sex or a woman’s attention because you took her out.

  3. She gets a free meal out of the guy, then ghosts. He’s essentially a “foodie call”, if you will.

  4. When women use men for free meals, going on 1 or more dates with him knowing they don’t intend to go any further with him and just leading the guy on until they find “better”.

  5. Getting used for free meals/gifts/entertainment, then tossed aside for Mr Better when he comes along.

  6. It would be the exact same thing. That is the equivalent. Because it is an equivalent action. Buying food after being tricked is not equivalent to having sex after being tricked.

  7. Last chick I was with love bombed me calling me all these sweet things then suddenly out of nowhere she snaps out of it and dips

  8. Among gay men, pump and dump is the exact term used. Pretty much sums it up (a quickie that involves anal creampie mostly). For example, a top on Grindr might say “looking for a pump and dump” so you know what he wants up front.

  9. I don’t know if there a similar term.

    If we are talking about just using the other, the most common one i see is stringing the dude.

    She knows she wants her and she keeps him around to be pampered and when the guy asks for clarity she gives the ” oh, i neeeeever imagined that”

  10. I may be wrong but this is my opinion, at least for heterosexual people. For women it seems they might feel “used” when they sleep with a guy and then he ghosts. While, maybe men might feel “inadequate” when it happens to them.

    But I think in reality, the experiences might be more similar for both men and women than we think. I’ve definitely felt used before and it sucks.

    Gender neutral is just “hit it and quit it” 🤣

  11. There’s women with dates with different guys lined up everyday just for a free dinner. Trifling af

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