Had a dinner party last night and from all 10 guests I was the only one that ate the skin. Is it bad for health or just people find it gross ?

  1. If it’s well seasoned and a bit crispy yes. If they’ve not seasoned it or cooked it nicely it’s just a tasteless slimy mess.

  2. I had that happen the first time i ever ate salmon during a family dinner with girlfriend’s family. I was embarrassed seeing the skin left on everyone else’s plate thinking I wasn’t supposed to eat it. I still eat the skin now. Best bit.

  3. I eat the skin. Best bit, whether crispy or steamed with milk and butters. Sea bass skin steamed with spring onion, chilli, mirin and soy sauce for the win.

  4. Yes, every time. Had an identical experience to you once, I’ve now converted most of those people to eat the skin haha.

  5. If it’s crispy and descaled then definitely! I eat a LOT of fish and always cook skin on if possible

  6. Sometimes I eat it, sometimes I give it to the dog. It depends on the dish.

    If I’m having salmon with minted peas then I’ll crisp it, if I’m deep frying it I’ll leave it on as it holds it together but if I’m baking or poaching it I remove it after it’s cooked.

  7. I always eat it, assuming it’s crispy. Needs to be cooked in a very hot pan. I find a lot of us Brits are a bit squeamish about fish, not eating the skin, wanting the head cut off a whole fish, not keen on the idea of mussels or other shellfish etc etc. We are surrounded by water and should be culinary masters of all things aquatic. The comments here bring me some hope.

  8. Absolutely, as long as it has been descaled. I was raised to throw it away and felt absolutely cheated when I found out how delicious it was! We had salmon a couple times a month! Such a waste.

  9. My wife does. If a fish is served with the head then she eats that too. The other day I found marinated pig ears in the fridge. Send help.

  10. If it’s been cooked well it’s the best bit. I love salmon skin sushi, too.

    If it’s not been made at all crispy and is just slimy, I might well leave it even though it’s full of vitamins.

  11. I eat the skin. I’d prefer it crispy but even if it wasn’t, I’d eat it just to avoid waste.

  12. Prefer it crispy from the pan (omg yes) but otherwise happy to eat it yeah, fish skin is absolutely fine to eat.

  13. Best and most flavoursome part. The UK is bizarrely terrified of fish…. you’re terrified of fish bones, fish heads, fish that tastes of fish, fish skin…. by that point, why even eat fish?

  14. I’ll eat it if it’s on my plate.

    If it stayed on the tray or on whatever I served it from, then it needs to be at least a bit crispy for me to make the effort of going back for it.

    But I don’t avoid it. Part of the meal, innit.

  15. I’d say “if it’s crispy” but tbh I’ll eat it either way, it’s just better when it’s crackly crisssssp

  16. No, but TBH I wouldn’t even eat the fat beneath the skin on farmed salmon. Always tastes like dirt.

    Wild salmon doesn’t have the mucky taste

  17. I remember in uni Morrisons did a honey chilli salmon thing and I it went nice and crispy on the oven, I usually had it on Sundays instead of a roast I would have at home but I always looked forward to the crispy skin

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