Men of Reddit, What do you find most attractive in a woman?

  1. Her being genuinely nice, when they show massive interest and laughter about something.

    Physically: Eyes and hair, sizes don’t matter, if you have the first ones, I’ll consider everything an extra, and what I come to love I’ll make sure you get confident on it.

  2. Probably her style and aesthetic but in terms of physical traits definitely her eyes (or lips when I want to kiss them I guess).

  3. For me, it’s the eyes, smile, and lips. Nice body doesn’t hurt.

    But after getting to know them, it’s being able to hold a conversation, having a sense of humor, being warm, caring, and sincere , and having a good personality. And being confident. In the end, happiness is very impt and if the other person makes you happy, that can be attractive. But this is just me. LOL

  4. Curves and ability to flirt. Hard to find someone who is self aware and socially skilled enough to flirt well.

  5. Having strong interests. I love when people are able to talk to me about things they like for a long time because usually it shows that they are inquisitive and thoughtful.

  6. Internally? Her kind heart and beautiful personality

    Physically? Pretty face and ok body

  7. Trust and warmth. Nothing gets me going like a lady who is honest and kind, who I can also be comfortable with.

  8. There isn’t one answer to this question since every guy has different preferences. However, some common things that are often mentioned include a woman’s smile, eyes, and personality.

  9. Eyes. Beautiful eyes can be hypnotic. However she needs to be genuine and kind. If she is an entitled snot, I’m immediately done.

  10. A woman who has genuine interest in you. A woman who’s willing to take time out of her day for you to be happy. A woman who you can tell anything to.

  11. The simplest way to put it:

    Just look like the girls in the drawings we made in Kindergarten.

  12. If she talks to me? Not the most interesting or funny and I damn sure don’t have the looks soo looking past all that means Shes a real one

  13. Honestly: wit.

    A sense of humor and confidence that comes from intelligence. Flirting with someone with wit is an absolute pleasure, and can be absolutely mesmerizing.

  14. I like a strong neck good for choking and she needs to be a freak in bed. (Presumably imma get downvoted to shit for being honest…again🤷🏽‍♂️)

  15. Physically nice figure pretty face

    Mentally Someone who is genuine warm friendly feminine and definitely has to have a sense of humour .

  16. How she pulls herself off and confidence. As relationship grows ability to trust each other and being comfortable with each other. Also being nice helps

  17. Honest answer -Big boobs

    Political answer – Eyes , personality blah blah ….

  18. Gonna go with sense of humor and a nice smile at the top of the list.

    Narrowly above big ass titties.

  19. If the girl has attitude or sass it shows confidence indirectly and subconsciously we dig that even though it’s f**kin annoying

  20. Most attractive? Ludicrous question.

    Honestly, some honesty and affection gets me over the moon. If we talk physically, it doesn’t really matter at the end, it does at the start but you eventually come to like a person regardless of how she looks. But yeah, I do have my ideals there.

  21. Patience, kindness, a deep sense of questioning, questioning about me or the universe. Thoughtfulness is so attractive. Women that speak gently, oh man.

  22. Loyalty, exclusivity, innocence and comfort. Coming home from a long day at work, the last thing I need is her starting arguments. She needs to be my peace.

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