How easy is it for you to find a date?

  1. Not difficult.

    I’ve not needed (or “had a chance”) to use apps or online dating because there has always just be people around me who like me… (and are good enough to date).

    My parents have been approached by people who have sons/grandsons they want to date me, my bosses have always wanted/tried to set me up with someone, I get approached when I’m out walking to my office, lunch or whatever.. So were I not in a relationship (and wanted to be in one), I can’t really imagine there not being a good enough list of potential suitors to choose from.

  2. Hard like getting hit by a ton of gamma ray’s and turning into the thing and feeling like a freak.

  3. Finding a date is relatively easy.

    The real kicker here is finding a date that doesn’t make me uncomfortable or doesn’t pressure me into getting physical within the first 2-3 times I see him is difficult. Finding quality time is difficult too. If I happen to find an amazing man that possess attractive qualities and I can have quality time with, I’ll even ask him out myself lol.

    Like… no Bob, I don’t want my first or even fourth date to be at your place, I don’t even know you well enough.

  4. Eh, relatively not super hard? I’m a polyamorous transgender lesbian, so my dating pool is very limited; but I do live in LA with a huge population.

    So like, if I lower my standards I could get a date probably any night.

    If I keep my standards and just try hard, about one a week.

    Or I could ask one of the 3 people I’m currently dating.

  5. I’m in my 50s and married, but I bet if I was dared to, I could get a date for tomorrow night pretty easily.

    It probably wouldn’t be a date I’d want to actually show up for, but I could get it.

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