Man, Woman, doesn’t matter. What’s the heart-stealing action you’re waiting for?

  1. To close the drawers he opens bc he never does it and I have no idea why. Otherwise, it’s all good.

  2. a man who asks questions, is genuinely curious and wants to get to know me, asks the deep questions, wants to get to the depths of my soul, breaks down walls and barriers. an authentic and genuine understanding of who i am. an appreciation of me, the beauty and flaws. everything.

  3. Someone who actually puts in the effort that I do to understand others and why they are the way they are. Genuinely trying to understand someone’s childhood and past and how it all affects their personality, communication, habits, etc. Learning what my traumas are and making sure not to do anything to trigger them. I do it so much for others and just would be nice to receive that in return.

  4. Someone to sit by my hospital bed and keep me company if I’m sick or injured.

  5. Buying me a gift of any kind that isn’t for birthdays or something, good quality head rubs.

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