I started to date a girl 3 weeks ago. She is 25, and I am 29/M. Our first date was great. We were drunk and she asked if I wanted to go to her apartment. Honestly I was really drunk and don’t really like to have sex that way, also I wanted something meaningful with her. Our second date was ruined a bit, because she wanted to talk about her past and ruined the mood for me. And there was a third date when we just met in the city to talk. I started to feel that maybe she is losing her interest in me, because I mistreated these dates maybe. I asked her to meet on previous Friday, she said okay, but cancelled that day because she was in a bad mood. Also she did not really text after that. I was like okay I can accept it but I was disappointed.

So yesterday I Was like, I won’t text her because I felt that maybe it started to become a bit one-sided, and wanted to see if she is interested or not. She initiated conversation, and we texted in a good mood, I was happy about it, because I felt that maybe she is still interested. But then I asked her out again and she stopped responding. I can accept that people are busy, but if we are texting and she gives me responses in 10 seconds in other topics, then she probably saw my message asking her out, and maybe it is rude to make me wait for this question.

Maybe she will respond or not, but I feel played both ways. Why is she starting conversations with me if does not want to meet. I am having mixed signs from her.

What do you think?

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