I’ve been in a few talking stages in the past couple of years, so I definitely know what they feel like, I’m just not sure when they actually end.

I’ve (26F) gone on 2 dates with a guy (27M) and our third is already scheduled. On both of them we were quite physically affectionate, kissing and holding hands while we walked around, and since we were going the same way for part of our journeys home, we even cuddled up to each other on the train.

I’m not used to the other person wanting to be like that so early on as most guys (in my experience at least) seem to either not want to touch at all or move straight to asking for sex. I asked him on the first date if he’s usually so tactile, as he kept finding reasons to touch me and it gave me butterflies. He said that he isn’t usually and that he’s actually quite particular, so I guess that’s a good sign.

I like him a lot and don’t want to go on dates with anybody else at the moment, but I’m pretty sure it’s too early to ask if he feels the same way even if I suspect the answer might be yes.

Does the fact that we’ve already gone on dates, been physically affectionate without sexual contact, and talked about the more “deep” stuff in person mean we’re out of the dreaded talking stage? Or am I just getting ahead of myself because I already like him a lot. (Please be honest but KIND in the comments, some people on this sub are mean omg)

1 comment
  1. My two cents? Don’t ask him about his feelings. Don’t ask him what your relationship status is. You have a good thing going here! It’s going great, right? Just let it happen at its own pace.

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