Hope this is not a rare case scenario 🫣

  1. Interest from other women goes up 9000% as soon as you enter a relationship. But women usually take a hint and just ignoring the advances is enough, I never had to actively reject in that scenario.

  2. I’m a decently well known mixed martial artist and coach in my area, and I’ve been hit on a couple of times over the years either by women who’ve been at our gym or orbit mma spheres and recognize me through that.

    My go-to is basically always the same, “I’m flattered, but I’m in a relationship” or “Thanks, but I have a girlfriend.” Nothing exciting, no stories of needing to fend women off with a stick. Just the standard leading complements or displays of interest followed by adults who understand rejection.

  3. I had it happen a few times actually.
    The funniest one is when a girl hit on me and I rejected her a few times but she kept insisting so I told her that if she gets permission from my girlfriend sure.
    So she actually walked up to my girlfriend and asked if she can borrow me for two hours.

    My girlfriend told her she is giving me way too much credit and 2 seconds is more than enough.

  4. My relationships are not sexually or romantically exclusive, so I don’t have to reject advances.

  5. In my home town there are two traditions over Xmas. One is swimming in the sea on Xmas morning and the other is dressing up for street parties on NYE.

    I was visiting home with my wife and posted a picture of me in my shorts next to the goose fat my mum was going to use for dinner asking jokingly if anyone wanted to cover me in fat for the swim.

    Later that night a girl who went to school a few years ahead of me and who I just knew from the neighbourhood messaged me to say hi as I was home etc. She then started flirting with me and asking if I wanted to see her costume for NYE. I politely agreed and she showed me a picture of her in a corset and stockings etc like a cabaret girl.

    The worst thing here is that I didn’t even cotton on and thought she was just being friendly until about a week later when I realised why she suddenly ended the conversation when I was just like “oh cool” etc.

  6. You can tell girls I have a girl and they will be I don’t care I still want you lol.

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