Hey everyone, I’m late 30s/m and my divorce is still in process (uncontested/ no kids/ no infidelity). Wondering when it’s appropriate to share this information with a potential partner?

For context, I joined hinge a month ago and immediately had a handful of matches. I shared this information upfront and 100% of my potential partners either unmatched me or just stopped responding. So I stopped sharing the details of my divorce upfront but have now had mixed responses explaining it down-the-line.

At what point would you want to be told this? Also, any other general advice!


1 comment
  1. It’s certainly expected to share this. Of course you don’t need to bring it up on a first date. If somebody told you they were fresh out of a long relationship, it would put you off too. So ideally that’s something you wait to get into detail until you’re considering making it exclusive.

    Obviously lying isn’t proper, so if it gets brought up you should tell them. But act like it’s a need to know, don’t bring it up if they don’t ask. I think you’d get better results by not trying to jump into something serious, making it known that you’re looking to start slow or keep it casual for a while.

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