I’ll try to keep this simple. I met this guy two years ago when I was casually dating/having fun and hung out/slept with him once or twice. Around the same time, I met who would then be my partner for the next year and a half or so. Really rough breakup in august, and I totally swore off dating for a while.

Cut to November of 2022, I’m out at a bar and I see this guy I know but I can’t place where I knew him. He comes over to me and asks for my number so I give it to him. The next day I realize it was the guy from two years ago. We start texting constantly, and go on a date less than a week later. Great chemistry and conversation, everything seems great. I tell him at one point that we know each other and we laughed it off.

We were texting most of the day, every day. We had an incredible amount of things in common. It was wild.

We got together the week before Christmas and had an incredible date. We exchanged gifts and he got me something really thoughtful that he knows I collect. It was great! I got him a thoughtful gift too.

We had plans for later that week that were cancelled, that’s fine. We made plans for New Year’s Eve to get together.

The blizzard hit Christmas weekend and that was miserable. I made it out alive and was over at my sisters, when he texted me the day after Christmas to say he didn’t feel a deep spark with me. It felt so out of the blue and sudden, I was so confused. I replied that was hard to hear, I really liked him.

We haven’t said anything since. I’m wondering if there’s something I did wrong, or if there’s someone else? Part of me wants to reach out but I feel stupid. We only dated for a month or so, but the connection felt great. He said a lot of things that to me that felt very genuine and romantic, but maybe I read him wrong. Is it worth sacrificing my pride to maybe get some closure?

TLDR: dating for a month, everything was fine, suddenly ended over text when we had NYE plans, should I reach out?

1 comment
  1. Why would you want to sacrifice your pride for someone who is so confused? He was sending you genuinely romantic messages, and suddenly doesn’t feel a spark. What if he treated you the same after a year in a relationship with him?

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