What are the little things you do for your S/O, that make a big impact to their well-being, mood and your relationship?

  1. Not complaining or bitching about things the second I see her or speak to her on the phone.

  2. Buy pizza, write and leave little notes around the house, cook, clean, help her shave while she’s pregnant, constant compliments, cuddling, joking, being open and honest. It’s all about the little things. do a lot of the little things.

  3. My bf and I work together and he’s really thoughtful about organizing stuff to make it easier for me the next morning. Little things like filling my water bottle, packing snacks, making sure I have spare clothes in case of rain etc. Hes even pretty good at remembering my time of the month and arrives home with chocolate for me lol. I also love how he messages to check if I need him to pick anything up on his way home and how he refuses to let me cook dinner or clean the house if I’ve had a shit day. All of these things mean alot and I appreciate the effort he makes so much. I try to return the favor because all of the little things add up to something bigger and any effort should be reciprocal if you want a happy and healthy relationship.

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