i usually am comfortable talking about most things with my friends and family “oversharer” is a good description sometimes when i talk i can’t stop talking and eventually talk about everything

i’ve only had one boyfriend but we broke up last year without getting anywhere serious so i talk to my family about relationships because it’s easy for me who has almost no relationship experience

i even told my family i was going to a club while my friends said “i would never tell my family im going to a club” which made me realize how easy it is for me to talk to my family about a lot of things but after having sex for some reason i just can’t tell them about it

the sex itself was okay it was my first time but it wasn’t a big deal i didn’t do it with someone im in love with it was just a hookup which is what i wanted and i want to do it again but it’s killing me not being able to tell my friends or family about it

i didn’t realize how ashamed i felt about sex and how taboo my brain sees it
when my friends talk about their sexually experiences i see them as a cooler person i think of them no differently or i admire them more for having a sex life

but maybe it’s because it was a hookup and not someone im dating that’s making me feel this way i don’t need to tell my family but i want to tell my friends i’m just scared of how they’ll see me for hooking up with a guy i just met two days ago

especially because i did something stupid that i deserved to get yelled at for

i had unprotected sex
which is the number one thing people having sex shouldn’t do even though my entire self knows that i just didn’t care and couldn’t think about it at the time i’m not sure why i felt safe enough to do that but after i went to the pharmacy to buy a plan b pill and i’ve never wished for my period to come until now

i’m trying to make a doctors appointment for birth control and i will insist that we use condoms next time but i have a friend who knows more about birth control but if i ask her bout it i’d have to tell her i’m having sex with the guy she told me i probably shouldn’t

a part of me also is scared that i am going to realize i am someone who needs feelings involved during sex because i kept getting scared and dry during the encounter even though i wanted to have sex what if i’m someone who only likes sex if i like the other person

i am just feeling overwhelmed with all the new things that happened today for the first time and i can’t talk to anybody about it because there’s also a lot of other life stuff going on even though it’s the beginning of the year what should i do

  1. Hey, first things first, take a breath. I know this all feels very overwhelming right now. Sex can be a really emotional experience and it’s normal to have a lot of different feelings around it.

    It’s hard to get an exact read on your relationship with your friends and family just from a post, but if you feel you want to talk to someone, are there any of them that are more sex-positive/less judgemental than others? You didn’t do anything wrong by having sex and it’s your life, not theirs.

    We all make mistakes and it’s very easy to get carried away in the moment, so don’t beat yourself up over the unprotected sex. The important thing is that you took the plan B and are planning ways to avoid this in the future. Remember to get an STD test as well for your health and that of future partners.

    It sounds like your partner wasn’t very attentive if he kept on having sex while you weren’t feeling comfortable. This doesn’t mean sex will always be like that and it really shouldn’t be! In time or with a different partner you might become comfortable with casual sex. If it turns out you are someone who needs to have an emotional connection to have sex with somebody, that’s completely fine too! You’re still figuring out what you like and don’t like sexually which is absolutely normal and nothing to worry about. Do what feels good for you and don’t be afraid to speak up if you aren’t feeling comfortable. Any decent partner, casual or otherwise, should care about how you’re feeling during sex too.

  2. You don’t need to tell details about what you do in bed. Just don’t say that it was unprotected if the person will shame you. Honestly strait up lie about it.
    We all have mistakes in life so just do what you can to take actions.
    For me no nutting is a fetiche. I use an IUD and both of us do exams often. Simple. Nobody in my circle of friends know that I have this kink. It’s an topic only know and discuss with my partner

  3. Look you are going to be fine,,, yes protection and birth control is important unless you know them and you get in a relationship.. Other wise having a hookup is not bad its called having fun,, you have to get to know people abit I think first you’d rather have someone who is safe as you should be,, enjoy

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