I met this girl in a store back in November and we got each other’s Instagram’s and started talking there. Just two days later we went out for a drive and it was really nice, we talked all the time for about three hours. A couple days later I then decided to invite her over and we had take out for dinner. It was all going well and she planned a big first date for the both of us (pretty expensive too). In the beginning of December I invited her to come with me to a work Christmas dinner and we got along really well there and I thought it had went just perfect only to find out it didn’t two weeks later. After these two weeks we had been meeting much fewer times and I asked her if something was wrong. She told no that she just had been under a lot of stress these past two weeks because of final exams, I totally understood her and tried to be supportive, a few days later she came back to my house, had dinner together and she invited me to go for a walk, it ended up being a long walk and we joked and fooled around and went back home.

While we were just hanging out in the sofa she all of a sudden started talking about something I asked her on the Christmas dinner we went to that involved alcohol. She told me that I shouldn’t have done what I did and that she didn’t feel safe of a what I thought to be a innocent question about alcohol. I proceeded to tell her that if I had known beforehand, that I wouldn’t have asked what I had asked her then… I told her I was sorry then (and again a few days later) and she was really quiet but it had looked like she had accepted the apology. She asked me if I wanted her to leave and I told her no, that I would like her to stay if she felt like it. She stayed and we spent the night together. Next day I woke up and went to work and let her stay in my place, like I had done before. When I came back home I found out that she had taken some of her clothes with her and then I asked her later that day if everything was alright and she confirmed everything was. After that “talk day” we had, everything started going slower between us and she was giving me shorter answers by text but by person it was always fine. We started meeting much fewer times and we both saw it happening.

Last Thursday I invited her to come snowboarding with me, a friend of mine and his girlfriend, she quickly said yes and we went. We had fun and she taught me how to snowboard. Later that night she drove me home and she went home. Never to meet again…

Yesterday I get home and soon after she texted me saying she couldn’t meet before heading out to another country (work related) that she didn’t want to drag this anymore, that she really liked me and enjoyed being around me and that I was fun to be around but that she wasn’t just ready to go into anything serious just yet. This part of “not being ready” is because she broke up with her ex a couple of months prior before we first met, and so did I broke up with my ex with a few more months than her, because of this we had decided since the very beginning to take it slowly and she agreed to it. So yeah she broke up with me via text message saying all those nice things about me and also adding “hope to see you in the new year”. It hurts because I was starting to really like her and she had the opportunity to break things up much sooner and I feel played badly by her…

Thank you if you read the whole thing, I just needed to vent because it sucks to be nice to someone, develop feelings and seeing the other person also trying but just giving up… for what it seems to me for no apparent reason. If she liked me like she says she does she would have made it work.

Tl;dr I got dumped by a girl I was dating for two months via text message after feeling like everything was going great. She said to like me and all but that she wasn’t ready while having the opportunity to end it much sooner instead of leading me on after being nice to her

  1. Not every relationship is going to work out. It is best to find out early on. Best of luck on the next one.

  2. It sounds like this girl was just using you for a good time and wasn’t really interested in anything serious. You deserve better than that. It’s obvious she wasn’t really into you if she’s bailing on you like this.

    You need to stop letting people treat you like this. You deserve to be with someone who is actually interested in a serious relationship with you. Don’t waste your time on someone who isn’t ready for that.

    It’s clear that you need to cut ties with this girl and move on. There are plenty of other fish in the sea, and you don’t need to put up with this kind of treatment. Don’t let her string you along like this.

    You need to be more assertive and stand up for yourself. Don’t let people treat you poorly just because they can. You deserve better than that.

    So, to sum it up: this girl isn’t worth your time and you need to move on. Don’t let her treat you like this anymore. You deserve better.

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