We have been married for 8 years and things are not good. We argue a lot. We are never on the same page about anything. We have no sex life, no date nights.Our conversations are mostly about groceries. He doesn’t have any respect for me and I lost mine for him. We had a rough year financially but things got back on track on the last few months, mostly for him. I cut back on everything to get us through and he didn’t even bother to get me a christmas present. I tried in the last month to make things better and I really hoped that the holiday season will somehow bring us together (we both love christmas and have nice memories about it, it was a good time for us in the past). My hopes are starting to fade if they haven’t faded already. We have a kid and I would love to give him stability and the chance to grow with me and his father in the same house. He loves us equally and he gets tremendous joy everytime we do stuff together (the 3 of us). His life would be so different if we get a divorce. I would hate to do that to him.
My husband is not considering separation and everytime I bring it up he advise me to go see a shrink ( which I did in hope of saving my mariage and I have been taking my meds for depression and anxiety but it did not change a thing between us).
It would not be easy to leave. We have a house to pay together, we have a business together. I would have to move with my kid in a small apartment with my mother because he would refuse to leave the house. I don’t have the courage to do it and there is a little voice inside my head that tells me things are not that bad (there is no physical abuse, no substance abuse, he is a good father, he buys bread if I ask him to). I don’t know what to do. Should I keep trying?

  1. If you’re not fulfilled, it’s time to leave your marriage. You don’t need any justification to leave, any reason is ok. Life is short, do you really want to spend it in a loveless marriage?

    As for your home and business, that’s something you should consult with a lawyer about. Your husband doesn’t get to simply decide he won’t leave the home, it’s something that has to be negotiated.

    It will take time to rebuild your life but based on people I know, leaving a marriage like this is beneficial in the long run.

  2. I’d try marriage counseling for at least 3-6 months first. Then make your decision. Good luck 🍀

  3. From what you’ve said, you have already given up and just wanting the push from either your spouse or enough strangers on Reddit to give you the final “I’ve had enough” moment in your marriage, personally I would speak to your partner about it, see if there is a way to fix I but if it feels like it’s going to turn into an argument or if it does, I would call it quits, if they aren’t adult enough to have a proper conversation about trying to fix your marriage, then they are adult to have a marriage

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