I made a post earlier that I deleted about a huge fight me and my now ex girlfriend had. Basically she ended up punching me and it was sort of the finale straw to our relationship

A lot of people in the comments of that post advised me to end it and I did. I just wanted to say thanks, if any of you who saw my first post see this because it was kind of the push I needed. And I just wanted to update everyone on how the breakup went.

I texted her while she was at work today saying I didn’t think our relationship was healthy anymore and that I wanted to break up. She said I at least owed her a conversation so I agreed to pick her up from work and talk.

I picked her up at like 7:00pm and drove to a spot and we talked. I told her that we needed to break up because I was overwhelmed with the constant fighting and the fact that she hit me was the finale straw.

Contrary to what everyone in the comments thought would happen she actually understood. She gave a big apology for punching me and told me she knew it was unacceptable and asked if there was anyway we could work through this. I said no because tbh I really don’t think there is. I’ve tried to talk to her about the constant fighting and it just never amounted to anything. So I said I just felt I had to end the relationship. She said she understood. We spent the next few hours, yes hours, reminiscing and thanking each other for the amazing relationship we had.

I’m feeling relieved that it’s over. But I will say this, this girl was not abusive. She made a horrible mistake which she acknowledged and I forgive her. However I’m smart enough to know that this relationship can not continue for my own well being. We both agreed that we ended things on good terms and will continue to be on good terms however I made it clear that the relationship is over.

Although she won’t see this I just want to say that she was an amazing girlfriend. We changed each other’s lives. And I will always remember her as my first love. And to anyone who read my first post about our horrible fight that turned abusive. Thank you for the support. This was not easy for me but I feel it was the right decision.

Tl/dr: broke up with my girlfriend. It actually went well. Feeling really relived. Thanks Reddit for support

  1. So happy and proud of you for standing up for yourself. Punching your significant other is 100% crossing a boundary and there’s no going back. Wishing you all the best, OP! It will get hard and lonely some nights when you’re fresh from a break up, but you’re doing what’s best for you. Sending you strength and good vibes.

  2. remember you from DM.

    from personal experience, it could feel like shit off and on for a while.

    in five years you will be thanking yourself. hopefully!

    after being married to a woman where in seven years I have never had a night like that, a fight like that, i’ve realized very clearly that two people being together and loving each other doesn’t have to be so damn painful.

  3. Happy to hear you stood up for yourself. Punching is a definite deal breaker and the constant fighting is unhealthy. I think you’ll feel better very quickly because when you choose yourself and make the right decision, it makes it quite easy to move on. You’ll thank yourself

  4. >I’m feeling relieved that it’s over.

    This is your body letting you know you made the right decision. Sometimes we don’t notice when we’re carrying stress. You were. You set it down. This is the signal.

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