I and most guys I know hate dancing. But unfortunately it matters more to women. When I was younger, older guys would tell me, “you don’t really have to know how to dance, just move with her”, “let her dance and just hold her waist and hips while she does the work” etc. It happens less now that I’m older, but from high school through my 20s with most girls I dated, the subject of dancing and how good or not I was came up. It was unavoidable.

Do you like dancing, and how important was it to the girls you dated or currently dating?

  1. I like structured dancing like ballroom. Here’s all the steps, remember them and do them in tune with the music and your partner.

    Freestyle I’m screwed, I’m way to rigid and just make a fool of myself.

  2. feel like it varies girl to girl but almost every girl i’ve dated loves to dance. I usually date latina women and i feel like dancing is big in latin culture, whereas the white women i’ve dated haven’t been that into dancing. Idk if there’s correlation there but that’s my anecdotal evidence.

    i love to dance but i suck at it. it’s just about moving and having a good time, no need to think or worry about how you look while doing it. my girlfriend just appreciates that i try and we both laugh about how uncoordinated i am.

  3. I enjoy dancing in clubs or at concerts. I grew up in a family where traditional dancing was looked upon fondly so I did some of that as a kid. I just kind of enjoy letting go and allowing my body to move to extern stimuli.

  4. Not a fan.

    I always viewed it as an activity where people would ridicule, make fun of, and shun me. I don’t have a good relationship with dancing because I grew up hating it. Doesn’t help that I was in an environment where dancing is perceived as what f***ts do.

    I avoided bars, nightclubs, and most parties as a result.

  5. it’s not really whether you “can dance.” it’s whether or not you’re relaxed and confident enough to put yourself out there and move your body.

  6. I hate dancing because I’m uncomfortable doing it and I have no rhythm

    But I appreciate those who are really good at it.

  7. just gotta get out there and do it. nobody cares if everyone’s moving. the person everyone is looking at is having the most fun and living it

  8. I’m literally only comfortable dancing when I am absolutely alone and nobody can see in through the windows or anything, and even then just for a few seconds at a time for my own dumb amusement. In public, I’d rather be naked than dancing.

  9. I fucking *hate* it. I pray to God that if I’m ever lucky enough to meet a good woman and fall in love, that she’ll hate dancing. Now, I know that’s unlikely, so I know I’ll have to suck it up and take lessons, which I’m *dreading*.

  10. I used to hate dancing. Some friends in college convinced me to join a ballroom dance club, and I found out just how much fun it can be! I also met my gf through ballroom, but I would be careful with learning dancing just to get girls. If you meet a girl in a dance setting, she will want you to keep going to dances with her. I’ve come to love dancing, so that works well for me, but if you’re suffering through it just to meet people, your efforts would probably be better spent elsewhere.

  11. Great fun and great exercise. My wife and I danced that mess around in the 70s and 80s and 90s.

  12. I like dancing; Perhaps, I’m not that good at it, so I am still learning.

    It’s good exercise, and it’s fun!

  13. I just can’t dance. I don’t understand how music ‘moves’ other people. For me it’s like okay, there is some music here, but I don’t want to move my arms and legs because of it. So, it caused some problems when everyone wanted to dance.

  14. I love to dance. It was not important to my wife. We don’t club but enjoy dancing from time to time.

  15. I don’t really like it, its not something I’m good at and is always more awkward than fun

  16. I love dancing. Oddly enough it was learning to box that gave me the rhythm and coordination to be a confident dancer. I also watch tutorials on youtube and learned a lot practicing at home.

    If you dont know how to dance you can teach yourself if you practice.

  17. Can be fun, I listen to a lot of Hip Hop so those dances are fairly easy to copy and that where I hang my hat at, but like actual choreography no thanks.

  18. It’s great fun. I’m especially fond of dances with actual steps, like Highland or country dancing. If it’s freestyle then I go for comedy.

  19. I can’t dance whatsoever. So I don’t really care. I’d rather be the DJ playing music instead of dancing to it.

  20. I feel like Egyptians are probably really annoyed that people think they are constantly dancing as they are going about their days.

  21. I dance by myself for fun when I’m vibin’ to tunes. Too shy to otherwise, literally around no one.

  22. I love dancing. I’m not good at it but that doesn’t stop me from dancing with my girlfriend or dancing when we go to the club with friends. It’s fun. You don’t have to be good at something to have fun doing it

  23. I hate dancing, period. Never liked it. So I just don’t.
    In my younger years, I usually turned the girls away when asked and I never asked them.
    I only do so to happily oblige my wife or do a silly dance for my kids in the privacy of my home.
    It just feels awkward and weird. I don’t “feel” the music that way.

  24. I like dancing but have no idea how to do any sort of dance ” with a partner” If I’m ever getting in a relationship I would totally try and do some kind of dance lesson dates because to me at least that sounds fun!

  25. It actually doesn’t take too much practice to get passable at dancing for most situations.



    Practice a few minutes a day a few times a week*, and in no time you’ll be much more comfortable on the dance floor. I actually look forward to going out dancing now, and I’ve only been practicing since the end of the summer.


    ^(*Most things improve with a higher frequency of practice than a higher duration.)

  26. I understand why people dance, it just doesn’t give me any satisfaction, so no thanks

  27. I don’t do it. I said it up front in every relationship I’ve ever been in. I don’t care to do it. I don’t want to do it. I do an occasional shoulder shake in my chair and that’s it.

  28. when i hear music and know that someone can see me i feel like im being tricked like no matter what i cannot walk through the store without looking like im dancing

  29. People that love to dance can’t fathom that others don’t. So if someone says they don’t like to dance, there must be something wrong with them.

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