If you were in a relationship that ended due to them not wanting to commit completely, then tried dating each other again months/years later?

  1. Exes stay as exes. Riding that merry-go-round again isn’t going to work so I don’t bother.

  2. It went bad, he had been cheating during the relationship and after we got back, it keep happening, nobody changes so fast in these situations, it was the same thing, he said he did it because he couldn’t compromise with me, I was always asking and trying to make us move forward, but was so frustrating, and when we break up for real, he said he want to do everything that I asked for, I didn’t go back again.

  3. Anyone who tries to advertise themselves as to who they are, I give them a stink eye. LOL

    It just reminds me of people posting on social media about their happy life happy wife/hub w/kids etc but actually they are in major turmoil.

    In all seriousness, been there done that never again when people claim they will change yadda yadda.

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