I(1M) booked us(2M/2F) a semi-nice hotel in a cheap town on our way back from a music festival.

I checked us out alone because they came down 20 mins late, after I pulled the car around. About a week later, I get charged $225 for a smoking fee. I call the hotel and they say they only smelled weed and they couldn’t rent the room that night. Might be them scamming us but idk how to argue that since they did have weed.

We smoke weed, me not so much but I did a couple times on our way to the festival. They know enough not to smoke in hotel rooms, they take it outside, and I’m taking their word on that but I know they had some up in the room with them.

I feel like I shouldn’t have to split the fee because I had stopped smoking the night before so I had no involvement with substances that night and I don’t require it daily. Also during that night, the other three had a fight about one of them wanting to smoke alone and not communicating that well.

TLDR: With the regular booking fee and the fine, the three of them owe me ~$117.60 each. What’s a good way to phrase that we got a fee but I don’t feel like I should split it with them? I’m still splitting the room. We’ve split almost everything else already.

  1. Just drop it ur being kinda petty it’s not that much money it’s what 60ish?

  2. I would just say “hey, listen, friends, I just received an additional charge for cleaning, since the manager said the room smelled like weed. I’m sorry, but we have to pay it. 225 split 4 ways is 65 each. When can I expect to receive this from each of you?”

    Edit to add: so, now you know not to share a hotel room with anyone who smokes anything.

  3. If you want to remain friends with them, split the fee.

    It’s the cost of friendship with weed-smoking friends.

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