So I met a guy on a dating app. He’s American living in Italy atm and I’m French.
We’ve been talking daily for two weeks now, had phone calls and shared ‘intimacy’ online.

Anyway, I made very clear I liked him. It has been hard to know how he feels exactly. For new years he celebrated with a female friend he got to know a couple of months ago. She came down to visit and I hadn’t heard from him for longer than usual.
That is all fine, but I have no idea how to feel about this. It’s possible they had sex.

Here when you get intimate with someone and you make clear you like them, that is quite exclusive. We don’t go through the same dating phases as in the us until you explicitly say you’re exclusive. It’s kinda expected.

I don’t know how to approach this.
Should I just move on or is this normal?

  1. Do you stay in Italy or France? Is there a chance of you guys being in the same country anytime soon?

  2. This is normal in American (and maybe other) dating cultures. You can date and sleep with multiple people provided there is no agreement of exclusivity. It’s okay for you to feel uncomfortable by it, but I would approach it from a place of seeking more understanding about what he wants from your relationship rather than imply he’s done anything wrong.

    It sounds like you’re dating long distance and your relationship is by phone and online. There’s a good chance that this man doesn’t see himself being exclusive with anyone, but especially someone who doesn’t live near him. You just need to ask him what he’s looking for and see if it matches what you’re looking for.

  3. You haven’t met in real life yet, you’re a penpal.

    >It’s possible they had sex.

    It’s very likely. You could have hooked up with a guy for new years too. There’s no restriction for a penpal.

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