I feel I acted too overly affectionate so should I try to play it cool for a few days and act like I don’t care

  1. Depends. Are you dating a woman who would think a man who is affectionate is a rug?

  2. Works for unstable women with skewed views on how a good relationship works.

    If that’s your target group, go for it

  3. No, playing games is for wankers.

    If you feel unappreciated, returning the favour won’t improve anything.

    Acting like you don’t care is a dick move.

    You can be busy, you can do other things, you can spend time apart, but a sudden change in your demeanour is stupid and basically dishonest.

  4. If you wanna play games then sure go for it. You should just be who you are, if she doesn’t like it or mistreats you for being that way then dump her.

  5. Homie just don’t look desperate. Simple as waiting a few hours between texts and not having full blown convos over text like teenagers (assuming you aren’t a teenager that is)

  6. No, don’t do this.

    Instead, just cool it with the “affection” a bit. As in, try not to come off as needy. Such as constantly checking in, texting incessantly, etc.

    The #1 killer of attraction is neediness. Women are turned off completely by neediness.

    It’s a balance. Obviously, still show you care but pull back a bit and giver her space. But that shouldn’t mean you act like you don’t care.

  7. No it’s not. It is a good idea to have other things in your life that are equally as important (if not more important) than a woman you are dating.

  8. Do you feel like she is enthusiastic about you? You don’t have to be pushing her away to recognize it.

  9. Just strut around with your nose in the air and if she tries to say anything you call her shallow and pedantic. Then you keep strutting around, polish your monocle and lecture her.

  10. i love how everyone here is making a blanket assumption based off half of a paragraph and we don’t know the woman’s side of this.

    So allow me to do the same and play devil’s advocate. Dude no one likes it when you won’t fuck off even a little bit, take a chill pill calm your shit and stop acting like she is the only thing in your world. And if she is the only thing in your world Get a friggin hobby!!

  11. That sounds like an awful idea. If those kind of games have a positive effect on your relationship, then it’s a sign that you or her are not mature enough to have a relationship.

  12. Do you follow her around like a puppy? If so, then you need to back off a little bit. Women aren’t going to judge you for affection, they will however start to feel smothered or get the impression you’re desperate if you don’t know how to give her some space.

    It’s not about pretending not to care, it’s about you being an independent person that doesn’t need constant validation.

  13. While its true that being too affectionate too soon isn’t a good thing, it’s just as bad if not worse to be appearing uncaring. The wild changes in your behavior for little to no apparent reason will just confuse her and likely drive her away.

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