What’s something you learned about women by having a girlfriend/wife?

  1. I used to Pedestalize Women. After being with one you realize they aren’t as special as society leads you to believe. Women smell bad sometimes, they poop, Fart, have B.O. and are just as gross as Men.

  2. That they are strong, independent individuals that don’t need a man to take care of them.

  3. Men and women are very different. Effective Communication with the other sex in a long term relationship relies on you understanding this (that also goes for women with men). There will be times you have to suck it up and cater to their difference (and hopefully they yours or else it’s not worth you doing it for them) for the sake of easily living with someone.

    That’s why I think it’s easier to be in a relationship with more traditional setups or for people who don’t have a feminist “gender differences are a myth” outlook. The whole “men do this and women do this” may be limiting in some ways – but it’s also a lot easier way to live with someone and less confusing and frustrating when the opposite gender person you have to live with doesn’t act like you would expect or understand if you expect them to think and react to things like you. You can just write minor disagreements or things you don’t get about them off as gender differences and move on happily, rather than feeling like you need to get to the bottom of why they don’t understand you in every way (that goes for both men and women).

  4. Just how much toilet paper they go through. I knew, academically, that they must use more but doing the shopping was shocking lol

  5. There has been very little I honestly needed from women.

    A woman can be as beautiful as a diamond. But a diamond is the hardest, precious stone, not something comfortable to sleep with.

    A woman can be as radiant as the stars. But the stars are nothing but balls of hot gas that burn you, therefore, they leave you cold and distant from them.

    A woman can be as (in)dependent as a free nation of the west. But even free nations don’t give a shit about their citizens, and even then only to punish them if they do not act a certain way.

    With everything going on with my life, I found I was asking too much of a woman. I learned that if I had anything I previously thought I wanted from a woman, I would’ve likely completely broken my back carrying it all.

    There is very little I need from a woman. I found that out recently with someone very special I’ve met. But that very little she has for me is absolutely everything to me! When we text, I am able to forget all of my problems and smile. When she calls, I am able to express myself in a way that I can’t to anybody else. When she holds me, I feel like I finally have a protector when she kisses me, I feel like I’m no longer autistic, but a very normal person, valid, and worthy of love. When she sleeps next to me underneath the fleece blanket, I feel safe, I feel comfortable, I feel hidden and nonexistent from reality.

    When she smiles, I almost feel like my life has meaning again, and considering how many times I’ve gone to the edge, that’s saying a lot

  6. That I am incapable of adjusting to having a partner. So what I’ve learned is its not worth my time

  7. I guess I learned how convincing people can be while lying. Tears, pleading, etc. all mean nothing. Or sometimes they’ll tell themselves a lie so much that they believe it themselves and repeat the same lie even anonymously.

    Wild stuff

  8. 1. That guy she tells you not to worry about is absolutely who you should be worried about. She’s keeping him around as the fallback guy.
    2. All women have a pussy, but each of them thinks and behaves as if they have the only one.
    3. Your relationship will never be an equal level of attraction. One of you will always be more in love than the other.
    4. Women get over breakups really, really fast. Like, 2-3 months, fast. You can date someone for 2, 3, 4 years, then break up, and they’ll have a new boyfriend, on the way to marriage, within 3 or 4 months. That’s the biggest mystery to me – how they can just ‘shut off’ their emotions about guy a, and begin with guy b without seemingly missing a beat.
    5. The more you date, and the longer you’re in the game, the more you realize most of them don’t bring much to the table beyond point 2. Why would they have to? Even the homeliest woman will have dozens and dozens of likes on the dating apps, so it’s not like they need to develop anything beyond that.

  9. My first girlfriend would let me know about her periods. Whenever they happened I was there for her and let her go off. I never said that they were gross or anything like that since they are normal. We broke up close to the end of 2019 but I’m happy with how mature I was about the whole thing.

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