For those of you 60+ who have been together for a long time, is this normal? Is it possible that it was so long ago that he can’t remember the details? Is it possible that I remember every last detail because I’m a woman and he can’t remember because he’s a man? Or something else?

  1. I’m very forgetful. Wife and I have been together for over 12 years and I’m in my 40s I couldn’t tell you our first time either.

  2. I’ve been with my husband 15 years, and could not even tell you where it occurred even.

  3. I remember our first time like it was yesterday. It was magical and I felt like I was in a dream.

  4. I met my husband in 1992 and I can’t remember anything about our first time 🤷‍♀️ I do remember our first kiss, a couple weeks after we met, but even trying to remember I can’t recall the first time we had sex.

  5. Been married 23; I can recall all about the first kiss but details of the rest are a blur lol! So I guess I can’t really expect him to be able to retell the story since I myself can’t either.

  6. I don’t remember every little detail, but I definitely remember the night, where we were and how amazing it was. Hmmmm… come to think of it, I wonder if my wife remembers?Gonna ask.

  7. 30 years ago! If my wife asked me about our first time, which would have been 10 years ago, I wouldn’t be able to answer it. You set some wild expectations.

  8. I’ve been with my now husband for three years and I read this to him. We were each other’s firsts and only’s, and neither of us can remember any specific details… other than that it was 7-8 months ago, a few weeks (months?) before our wedding LOL We both remember first kiss, but not much else! It’s gotten a million times better with *practice*, *wink wink*, that first time was a little underwhelming compared to now!

  9. I know it happened the night of our wedding. I could not get any more detailed, if I tried. I do know the first few times were not really satisfying. It hot much better.

  10. I’m a 47 year old wife, married 18 years and don’t remember when, where or how and highly doubt my husband would either. I can barely remember what happened last week let alone details from nearly 2 decades ago.

  11. 40 yrs for me and I remember it well, it was the night I lost my virginity and I’m still with the same woman. She’s my one and only.

  12. I’ve been with mine for a decade and not only do I not remember our first time, I definitely don’t expect him to, either. I don’t think I’d even want to.. it was probably as awkward as it typically is your first time with… anyone.

    What’s important to me, personally, is that I still get to have sex with him.

  13. My wife and I are mid-30s, early 40s. We’ve been together about 12 years total, married almost 10.

    We had a conversation last summer that neither one of us remembers the first time we had sex.

  14. I have been married for 25 years, together 26 and I remember every single detail of our first sex.

  15. I have been with the same woman for 33 years. We gave each other our virginities. She definitely remembers the experience much more vividly than I. I remember where it was and general impressions only. I remember it was a little painful for her.

  16. I’ve only been with my husband for 6-ish years and I only kind of remember our first time. Like I remember what month it was and the context of when it happens (mostly because it was in conjunction with our first weekend trip together), but I don’t remember any of the details about it. And it’s not even like at the time I thought he was just some guy; I did already genuinely like him more than anyone else I’d been with. I just don’t remember that much about it. I don’t think remembering every detail is a woman thing, because I’m a woman and I don’t remember details. I think it’s just how your brain works and his works differently. I wouldn’t read too much into him not remembering that much of it after 30-ish years.

  17. My wife and I have been together for over 35 years. I still remember the first time like it was yesterday.

  18. Jeez, if we hadn’t discussed it a few times, I’m not sure I’d remember the first time my husband of *a month* and I had sex.

  19. The FIRST time we had sex? 9/15/71 The LAST time we had sex? Lessee.… July ‘22? October?? Why not make sure that every time you make love is more memorable than the time before?

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