My friends, who are girls, tell me that they approximate the size of a guys penis during hugs or kisses using their thighs or any possible body contact. Is this generally true? To those who try to make this early assessment during dating, how do you do it? Or is it even how it works?

I now feel anxious giving close-up hugs to girls I like as I am not sure if that may not be the time I fall short.

  1. They are just messing with you, or they’re just goofing around. There’s no way to measure or approximate penis size in this way. And in either case, most women don’t care that much about penis size. They’re just joking around about it..typical teenager stuff. If they’re older women, they are definitely just messing with you.

  2. What? I’ve never done this, and if I’m hugging a male friend, my hips, crotch is nowhere near his body.

  3. Naw man, they can tell the size of your dick based off the smell of your breath!

  4. If those girls are serious they’re probably not very smart lol You can’t tell an erect penis size by nudging the flaccid thing

  5. Girls absolutely do not try to judge the dick size of their male friends during hugs. That’s absurd and your friends are fucking with you if that’s what they said.

    However, if what they said was that if they’re on a date or they’ve been making out with a guy and they go in for a hug goodnight, then they may very well press against his crotch to see if he’s turned on—it’s not so much to judge size (most women don’t give a fuck about dick size as long as it’s in the range of normal) as it is to see if he’s attracted enough and aroused enough from the kissing that he’s sporting wood. It’s more for reassurance and curiosity than anything else. And even that is kinda meaningless as most women know that a guy can be turned on and not hard or can be hard just randomly not because he’s turned on.

    But hugging friends? No. If anything we’re careful to avoid groin contact. Your friends are either goofing on you or lacking brain cells.

  6. Only way to know for sure is to hug one of your guy friends. See if you can feel it with your thighs 😉

  7. No one does this. Your friends are fucking with you, and also hilarious. Keep them forever. 💚

  8. I have seen a lack of pants bulge AT ALL and then during sex realized the guy was HUGE and he had to wear like p tight underwear to keep it all like…. In order. I’ve felt bulge and realized it was p big only to find out later that he’s a show-er not a grower. You really can’t tell.

  9. With big ones it’s usually inevitable if there’s mutual attraction and hugging/kissing. Most men will be bulging and it will be felt during a tight hug. Other way is to just grab it if y’all are already making out like that. But this is usually pertaining to like heavy hugging or making out. Not general hugging. It has never crossed my mind to gage a man’s penis during a regular hug at say like a friend gathering or club.

  10. While everyone in here says no, I knew a girl that did precisely this when debating who to let flirt with her while out. Pretty shallow but she did it just like that. And if the junk was too small she’d move on to someone else.

  11. I don’t think that’s possible unless the guy is wearing underwear, or reliable since many guys are growers not showers.

  12. This might be the stupidest thing I have ever read. But from my experience, there are all kinds of people and I am sure there *are* women out there who do this. I assume (and truly hope I am right) that this is a *very* small minority of women.

    Tell your friends that if they do this, they are morons, who clearly do t know how penises work. Also, and this is more important, this is exactly as disgusting as men who grope women’s breasts or butt *accidentally* during hugs, and they should be ashamed of themselves, and should stop assaulting their friends.

  13. I can tell you with absolute certainty that women think about it a lot less about penis size than men do. Men seem fixated on it, but for women, it’s just not something we spend a lot of time on. In general, there is very little noticeable variation in penis size between men. You are all a lot more average than you think you are.

  14. Not all women want the same thing, not all women are size queens.

    Don’t even think about this, more often women are concerned about if you bathe often and dress like a human being. Take care of yourself and you’ll never have to think about your peepee in a bad way.

    Also learn how to pleasure your partners without using your Dong, your mouth, fingers and body can all do things.

  15. Women don’t do this. They probably were joking. This is not the type of thing women worry about.

  16. Did you also know that during sex the balls go in and not the peepee.

    Come on, OP…. what kinda of question is this ?

  17. Women don’t think as mens packages nearly as much as men think that they do. Like maybe .5% as much as they think we do.

  18. My dinger is about an inch or two long soft, and honestly considered fairly large when erect. If women are doing this, they are possibly missing out on many nice penises.

  19. Tease them back! When they say they “I can tell the size of a man’s penis just from a hug” respond “I’m sure YOU can”.

  20. Who the FUCK are you friends with? I have never heard this in my life and would definitely not have considered doing it.

  21. Everybody knows you just gotta see them in grey sweatpants or watch them run in gym shorts.

    Okay but in all seriousness, as a girl, that’s fucking weird so I’m gonna go with no. Plus nobody will be able to know proper size unless the guy actually gets hard. Sounds like your friends are a wee cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs to put it nicely.

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