Instead, do what you have been avoiding or are scared to do right now: Make the move to actually show your face and meet and interact with people in real life. You will stand out considerably.

If you only text/message, you will NEVER EVER genuinely connect with them even if you think you are. You won’t actually hear everything that’s going on in their real life. You can’t hear their emotions or tone, or see their body language. But the real issue is you will unconsciously train yourself to become needy and attached to them overtime. You’ll overanalyze everything they say or don’t say. You’ll perceive their messages as stamps of approval and validation. So if they don’t text you back for whatever reason, you’ll always just assume they don’t like you. You’ll get your emotions involved. You’ll panick, get anxious and rattled, and confront them. You’ll keep chasing them until they start responding like they used to. But people see through what you are doing. The chasing is what pushes people away from you and ghost you. Nobody likes those who are desperate and begging for their time and attention.

Instead, make the move to meet people face to face. You avoid all the BS. It shows your confidence and leadership. It shows your true social skills. You actually have people’s undivided attention. People can express themselves freely to you and you can do the same. You can hear their emotions, tone, and see their body language as they speak. You can see their level of engagement and enthusiasm in real time. You will see decisively for yourself if they actually like you as a person and never have to wonder about that ever again.

Generally speaking, the quality of your online interactions tends to reflect the quality of your offline interactions.

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