So, I have been trying to take relationship advice I have gathered and a lot of it just says that I need to wait for multiple different reasons. I know really the reasons why I should wait, but I just feel bad that I cannot have someone to love right now. I just want to know; how do I stop being impatient and wait for the right girl to come along? I have no real way to get rid of the romantic thoughts that make me sad every single night. How can I wait for the right one, if I am sad that I do not have the one? I know I need to wait or work on myself, but that can’t help me when I am sitting in my bed at midnight thinking how nice it would be to have a girlfriend to be romantic with.

TL:DR: I just want to stop feeling sad because of my romantic thoughts and learn to wait for the right girl to come along that I can have as my partner.

  1. How old are you? If you were wanting a good job would you wait around for the right one to fall into your lap? If you wanted to buy a house would you wait for one to present itself to you? Or do you prepare yourself to be ready for these things then search them out? You need to go after things you want in life.

  2. Whenever you feel sad about being single just go to r/relationship_advice. You will feel instantly better.

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