My girlfriend and I were together for 5 years before she decided to end things due to general unhappiness in our relationship. I’ll admit, I wasn’t the best partner. Between work and going back to school, a lot of my focus was on myself instead of our relationship. For the next 6 months in an attempt to prove myself/rekindle the relationship, I attempted to show up as much as I could by continuing to pay my half of bills (we shared a house together, I moved out and in with my parents) and came to visit once or twice a week.

I thought things were going well, and I could still feel a lot of love between us. I remained loyal to her, mostly because I couldn’t imagine being with someone else. Recently, however, she revealed to me that she had dated / slept with other people during our 6 months apart.

Now, she wants to get back together. This is what I had hoped for all along. Bit of back story, we had an almost dead bedroom for the last year of our relationship due to my lack of attention/care outside of the bedroom. Now, knowing what I know, I’m having a hard time accepting her willingness to be intimate with others so soon after our breakup when our relationship lacked intimacy for so long. I’m not mad, I know she didn’t technically cheat on me. But I still feel betrayed.

Kind of lost rn. I still love her absolutely, and she says she loves me too. But the thought of her sleeping with other people kind of gives me the ick. I feel like I can’t trust her feelings towards me and am wondering if I’m just a backup choice after the dating world didn’t work for her. Not sure what I’m looking for, just wanted to get it off my chest.

Tl;dr girlfriend of 5 years broke up with me, dated other people. Now wants to get back together, but Im having a hard time putting the past behind me.

  1. Dude, she broke up with you to sleep with other people. Now that she has it out of her system she wants what’s familiar. She didn’t cheat on you, but it sure as shit was planned.

  2. Looks like she was the one that focused on herself instead of a relationship and not you!

    She wasn’t the best partner!

    You were paying half the bills while she was trying to replace you…

    She gaslighted and played you like a fool!

    Edit: you prooved to her and yourself that you’re an idiot.. Reddit will confirm.

    You have hard time accepting because you were betrayed and played. Have some self respect and know your self worth!

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