What makes you want to befriend another man?

  1. Common interests and vibes. With conversation I think you’ll find you relate to more people than you realize.

  2. Common interests, decent person to me and others, similar sense of humor and if I generally enjoy his company and a emotional connection.

    Already have 4 men who I’m great friends with just because of these reasons

  3. If he’s funny and easy to talk to. I appreciate people that can reduce the stress in my life lol

  4. Networking-Im in an industry that requires some level of it. And it frequently makes my career run a lil smoother

  5. I guess theres more in common, it’s much easier to talk about dumb shit with my one guy friend than any of my lady friends

  6. It differs person to person. As long as I can vibe with them and feel comfortable in their presence I’m cool with them.

    Similar interests and humor helps. But even that doesn’t mean I can get along with someone

  7. Respect. If they respect me as a person and understand basic personal space, then we are off to a great start.

  8. Common interests/hobbies. Especially if he’s particularly smart or creative and I can learn things from him.

  9. Chiming in as a F, early 20s. My closest friends are male. 3 of them expressed interest in me, either romantically or sexually, and I told them I also found them attractive. We talked it through and we all agreed to keep it platonic and since then, our friendship only grows stronger. Bc both parties know the other is chill with the truth.

    So I think my main reason for wanting to befriend another man, is the *directness, honesty, clear communication*, and however way we can enrich each other’s lives

  10. As a dad with two kids and a full-time job and the wife, I don’t have a lot of friends anymore. I do miss my old friends very much sometimes but when I go to make new friends, it’s really just about the vibe and if they have a good sense of humor.

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