How did you find out/ realise that your partner didn’t love you anymore?

  1. When the Grindr notifications started popping up on his phone while he was in the bathroom.

  2. I put his Apple Watch on charge while I was cleaning our bedroom and got to watch real-time texts between him and his other girlfriend planning when I was away next so she could come stay. Turns out he didn’t love me at any point and I was basically his housekeeper and he’d move his girlfriend in when I went away with friends.

  3. When I told him he needed therapy and he said you’re my therapist. When he never took any responsibility for his emotions because they were my fault.

    I realized I was not his partner I was his scapegoat for everything wrong in his life.

  4. When I found some sketchy shit and asked him to choose between me and his coworker that he’d known for a week and he “couldn’t decide” (hint: he chose her lol)

  5. When it was clear I was his maid and not his wife. He liked that I took care of everything and all he had to do was go to work and wipe his own ass. Being an involved husband was never part of his plan.

  6. After 19 years, I came home from work on a Monday night to find that he had moved not only half our possessions, but also our only child, out of our home and into a new apartment.

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