There’s a girl who works in my local grocery store who I have had occasional chit chat with over the past few months. She’s super cute and I want to ask her out for drinkies. I had hoped I would randomly run into her when she’s not working where I could shoot my shot more naturally but that’s proving to be fruitless. Asking her out while she’s working seems a bit awkward and most people seem to think it puts people working these jobs in an unfair situation. So how about handing her a note and leaving it up to her to contact me or not in her own time? What’s the general consensus on that approach?

Tbh I’m not bothered if she says no, I just wanna say it, get it out my system and move on with life whatever the outcome!

  1. I think handing her a note and communicating that that she doesn’t have to answer on shift (or at all) is totally appropriate. Takes the possible pressure of offering a more amenable reaction out of the equation. But the fact that you are thinking of this at all is very true, and something most don’t in your situation, so that said, I think you sound like you have a good shot. Go for it!

  2. She’s going to open it and read it immediately, so you’re still putting her on the spot.

  3. I have done this and it had worked, you give her your number so if she is interested she will text you, just let it be if she doesn’t and you’re good.

    Just don’t linger, be casual, give it to her and leave and let nature take its course, regardless of what actually happens.

  4. If she showed sufficient interest/ flirting more than just doing her job.. Just do it.

    I’ve asked out women who are working in real time and with notes and a couple of times have been asked out & handed number on paper while working.

    Find asking on the spot if they show enough interest and if you’re mindful about the way you ask has better results overall shows more confidence and comes across better.

    Even with the note make every attempt to do it as privately as possible, not put her on the spot In front of co- workers/ people if possible.

  5. People who work in retail are likely hooking up with a coworker.

    Get that number. Ask for it, or offer yours. On the spot. Be a man about it

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