I’m genuinely curious, I was thinking about the people that I blocked before and was wondering how they reacted to it.

  1. A spiteful ex of mine kept changing his phone number every time I blocked him so I changed my number and haven’t heard from him since. Scary stuff.

  2. I block them usually for myself. They may be totally fine people but if I start feeling attached (wait for them to write me too often, getting upset when it doesn’t happen) I block them so I can move on. Unblocking them when the magic is gone and alI can think clearly. Usually, goes unnoticed.

  3. My cousin. I posted a news link on IG about the pullout of troops from the Middle East. For context, I rarely talk to this cousin. He served in the army, and his PTSD is so severe, you can’t really carry a conversation with him. His mind is still in Afghanistan, to put it simply, he’s like the uncle rico of the military. He didn’t like the responses my IG friends (who I literally talk to every single day), and he started disrespecting me, my friends, making threats and for whatever reason, bought up the fact that I didn’t attend our grandmother’s funeral. I BLOCKED HIM. Some may not agree. But I don’t have a relationship with him, nor do I intend to. Family to me is abstract. Just because we’re blood related doesn’t mean you’re entitled to a space in my life.

  4. He got really attached REALLY quickly. I’m talking told me he loved me and started showing up at my house within a week of meeting me. Luckily, he was mostly respectful when I told him to back off but I expected things to get scary based on how crazy he was being.

    He still creates new accounts on every social media site and adds me every few months, years later. He adds, I block, rinse, and repeat.

  5. Unwanted advances, and rude behavior. If, I unblocked and it continued they were unfriended completely. They didn’t respond afterwards.

  6. They were disrespectful. I’m not going to foolishly keep people in my circle if they something I really dislike. (I’m thinking of a specific case. He was an acquaintance, not somebody I know very well)

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