Okay so here’s the thing: I (26F) broke up with my ex-boyfriend earlier last year because we have very different life goals. Our futures weren’t aligning at all and it made no sense to continue the relationship because we couldn’t find a solution that would’ve worked for both of us. So, we ended things mutually. On very good terms, no bad blood.

Recently I found out that he’s dating someone. AND I JUST CAN’T GET OVER IT! I know I’m not hung up on him. I am genuinely happy that he’s moving on because he’s a nice person and he deserves all the good stuff. But I’m so miserable about this whole thing. All my dates since the breakup have been complete shitshows or trainwrecks. And to see him find someone nice and stable is pissing me off for some godforsaken reason.

I would love some advice on how to navigate this and/or some clarity on what the fuck is wrong with my brain. Is this some kind of FOMO? Or am I just desperately looking for a connection because I’m sad and lonely? Does this make me a horrible person?

TLDR: my ex-boyfriend found a really nice person to date, meanwhile I’m stuck dating creeps. Now, I’m jealous. Some advice would be nice.

  1. “I know that I’m not hung up on him, but let me write a long post about how jealous I am that he’s successfully dating other women.”


  2. So your problem is that you are focusing on him. It’s good to be happy for him, now you need to stop comparing his progress to yours. You’re bound to find creeps and looser, but also great guys who sadly just wont work out. Remember you *want* to get married (I suppose that’s what it is) you don’t *need* to get married, let time work if need be.

  3. Step one remove his socials from your feed. Step two delete the socials, step three put the phone down and learn to let it sit on the table.

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