There’s this girl who is not typically someone I’d be friends with, intellectually she kinda acts like she’s 15 and is pretty immature.

She made plans to meet up with me about twice now, and just cancelled on me again for Tuesday. She asked if I could take off from work to go to the city with her (kind of annoying), to which I would have done it, but she said she can’t come.

But like don’t inconvenience me and act like I inconvenienced u first??

The worst thing is my friend loves her but I really don’t see the appeal since she keeps canceling on me?

Not sure how to answer cuz I’m annoyed but I don’t want to give off an impression that I’m a b**** but still.

girl I haven’t met irl yet keeps cancelling on me and inconveniences me, but acts like I’m inconveniencing her. How do I respond to her text where she says she actually can’t come (again)?

  1. Dude, sounds like this chick is just flaky as hell. You shouldn’t have to bend over backwards to accommodate her last minute cancellations, especially if she’s acting like you’re the one being inconvenient. Just be straightforward and tell her you can’t make it this time. If she keeps pulling this crap, maybe reconsider if it’s even worth continuing to try and hang out with her. And seriously, don’t worry about coming off as a b****, she’s the one acting immature and disrespectful of your time. Just be honest and don’t put up with her crap.

  2. I wouldn’t contact her, but let her initiate contact first. And if she wants to meet up again, you’ll know not to take her seriously. Just say yes to what she wants without intending to follow through, because she’ll cancel on you again.

    You could also make plans that involve her picking you up at your house, so in the case she cancels on you, you’re not inconvenienced.

    Or you could make plans with her and other people, so if she doesn’t show up, at least you’re with your other reliable friends.

  3. I had a friend do this after she started dating her now husband. She’d cancel on me but never cancel on him. After the second or third time of her canceling. I told her bluntly, the next time she called “you’ve canceled on me several times. If you do it again I’m ending our friendship.” Haven’t had this issue with her since.

  4. I honestly wouldn’t bother trying. If you haven’t met up and she has flaked twice, they aren’t respectful.

    She is SHOWING you who she is, it’s up to you to BELIEVE her.

    This is a really good lesson to learn young; some people are not going to match your efforts & they aren’t worth your time.

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