Women of Reddit, what are some of the more blunt ways that you utilize to let someone know you’re interested in them?

  1. If we’re on a first meet (after matching on tinder) and I’m feeling good about the connection I’ll ask if they want to make out.

  2. I just straight up voice my interest when I’m into someone; I told my crush (now boyfriend) I loved him when I realised I had romantic feelings for him.

  3. When I was single, I would just invite them back to my place if I was interested.

  4. well with my current boyfriend, i just slept with him.

    other than him, i just said i like them.

  5. We met during a work orientation, I asked him if he wanted to get lunch and we hit it off, so I just kept asking him to lunch when we worked together until eventually it was just assumed. That was 15 years ago and were still together and married with a kid.

  6. I modeled lingerie and sexy outfits for him. And at one point I “struggled” to get a corset off and had to ask him for help.

  7. I told my husband “I really like you” and kissed him at a bar. BAM. Blunt messaged recieved.

  8. With my current bf I knew him via friends a little, and we used to work out at the gym the same time and always smile at each other, and one afternoon I asked him if he wanted to come back to my place to shower with me.

    I figured at least I would get an attractive man I sort of knew to shower with me, so it worked out well!

  9. I told my husband, let’s go back to your place.

    Easy. If you want something go for it! Don’t play games, they aren’t worth it.

  10. Back when I was dating men I guess my approach was too blunt because they always thought I was joking lmao ‘aye! When you gonna let me take you out?’ ‘what, why?”cuz youre fine, thats why!’ Women appreciate it though, especially other studs cuz they usually gotta do all the pursuing so they be into it, boxers just fall off

  11. I’m a pretty blunt person as it is. I usually have no problem flat out saying how I feel about someone. That’s a blessing and a curse.

  12. im not shy at all when it comes to this 😂 i know what i want and if i want you, youre going to know it

  13. “You’re cute”. Works like a charm of they find me at all attractive. If not, I move on.

  14. I had to be straight up and direct with my husband. I said “I really like you in a romantic way and would like to see if this can lead to more.” I still have to be direct with letting him know I’m interested. Like saying “would you be interested in fucking my brains out or having your soul sucked out via your penis?”

  15. Just say it. Reality is, they either reject you, in which case you saved a bunch of time and effort on some more subtle game playing to drop hints; or they say they’re interested too, in which case you know where you stand and it’s all out in the open – also without wasting a bunch of time on playing games. Bonus: there’s no potential misunderstands.
    Extra bonus: you start out the relationship based on open communication.

  16. My fiance hit on me while he was working. I got his Snapchat and started talking to him after he got off work and he asked if I wanted to hangout. I said yes. He asked me “so what do you wanna do” and I said “what do you think??”. What was supposed to be a wham bam thank you ma’am ended up being my best friend 4 life. It’s pretty cool 🙂

  17. I find the direct approach often will work well. Made the move on my current partner after an evening of chatting and drinking at a social event. We found ourselves alone for a moment, and I asked if he’d like to disappear for a bit to make out with me. He said yes, albeit maybe a little taken aback, and here we are almost 2 years later.

  18. If it’s just sex and we both have an understanding then I’ll ask “wanna fuck?” or I’ll say “let’s fuck”

  19. If I am interested in dating them – I ask them out on a date.

    If I am interested in having sex with them – I ask them if they are interested in having sex.

    If I get a “yes” then both proceed to a “what do you like?” convo and we go from there.

    It’s not hard to just ask & to treat any rejection as “I am not their cup of tea”.

  20. Wear really low cut stuff around her and also just straight up tell her that I like her.

  21. I have initiated contact with almost everyone I’ve dated. I’ve never done online dating so I’ve met all my partners through events/friends/parties. It helps if there’s an obvious mutual interest there. I give them my undivided attention but if pulled away I make effort to return to that person to show I enjoy being around them. I’ve straight up asked to exchange numbers, exchange IG handles (to send something related to a subject we’ve discussed). I’ve also just flat out asked if they want to grab coffee or a drink. To make It clear that I’m not interested in platonic friendship I will flirt or straight up tell them I like them or allude to my attraction to them. 🙂

  22. Asked my now husband over Facebook if he wanted to go do dinner sometime 🤣 it worked, we’ve been together 6 years and I’m so glad I sent that message!

  23. I am pretty upfront normally, i just tell them.
    The worst is, is that they are not interested

  24. I told a guy I worked with, after he offered to drive me to my car but that I’d have to wait until his shift was over, that “a good ride is worth the wait.”

    He’s asleep next to me and I have his baby in my belly, so I’d say it worked.

  25. I’m pretty straight forward- I had another date the day my husband asked me out and I’d start my week of 12s the next day but thought he was cool and wanted to go. I told him all of this and left it up to him. He still wanted to go. Went on that date, didn’t want to go on the other but didn’t want to be rude. Went on the other date. I cut the other date short (he offered dinner after bowling and I politely turned him down), and came back to spend more time with my husband. And then never left 😂 6 years in Sept.

    In general tho, I’d come up with interactive things to do together. Make crepes, go for a hike, motorcycle ride, zoo, museum, picnic etc. I want to get to know you. If I just wanted to be FWB, after the first date I’d let you know that. If you’re cool but the chemistry isn’t there, “hey man- you’re awesome but I’m not feeling the chemistry. I wouldn’t mind hanging out as friends but I don’t want anything romantic with you”. And if I’m interested I’ll just talk to you all day errah day and tell you you’re awesome and it makes my day to talk to you. And I’ll spend a shit ton of time w/ you. And I’ll be vulnerable.

  26. I was talking with someone I was interested in about a new restaurant that had opened and just suggested, while looking him in the eye, he might want to take me there for lunch

  27. In the past I tried telling men straight up. 100% failure rate. Men would either genuinely not get it or pretend not to get it to let me down easy and I could never be sure which, so I stopped.

  28. I’m very subtle about my interests lol. But! If I am really interested in someone, I’d ask more in depth get to know you questions.

  29. Most men I have met are pretty clueless. Being blunt or playing coy have never worked for me. However, telling them does.

  30. Gave my now husband my number when I first met him. I was direct, to the point, and obvious that I wanted to connect with him on an intimate level / pursue a relationship.

  31. I wait a long time and become very close friends with the guy and eventually tell them I like them and they literally never like me back, ever, not even once. Works like a charm.

  32. I thought my college Starbucks barista was super cute.

    I added him on facebook since we had mutual friends, a little weird but I’d see him all the time (I didn’t even like coffee, but I wanted an excuse to talk to him).

    I wanted to give him my number in person but thought it’d be inappropriate to do while he was working a busy Starbucks line.

    I bluntly messaged him on Facebook:

    “Hi, I’m not usually this forward but you seem really cool and I’d like to get to know you better! If you ever want to hang out or just chat here is my number”

    He texted me the next day and we’ve been together for 7ish years now.

  33. Give them a post it note with my phone number, and run away before they have time to process 😅 That guy turned out to be married though.

    My husband (before we were dating) didn’t respond to my usual move of “making myself available to have a move made on me” thing, and I was getting sick of being “friends.” We were on a camping trip (with other people), and I just slowly inched closer and closer to him until I was pressing myself against him. He didn’t move away, and that’s how I knew I’d be getting some dick that night.

  34. When my husband and I were still just friends, we had a joke about cake being a metaphor for sex.

    One night we were texting, kind of being flirty, and he said something jokingly about cake and I said a taste wouldn’t be out of the question.

    17 1/2 years together now, almost 8 years married…
    I’m glad I was direct!

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