So there’s this girl I find fun talking to. She’s extroverted and outgoing, and I’m just introverted, not anti-social but I don’t have as many friends as she does.

So, considering she has “life”, sometimes she isn’t very responsive. But I cannot know for sure if she’s being unresponsive sometimes on purpose or not. As usual how some girls do? “Make the guy chase” kinda thing.

I’m not very good at it as I lose interest when I don’t see any reciprocation of my efforts. But when we talk, we talk wholesomely and by the look of it, it looks like she’s having fun too.

Sadly we’ve only been talking on texts because it’s not really been that long since we started talking. I just don’t know if I should ask her out or not because I can’t tell if she’s interested if she’s behaving like this.

Usually I just stop talking but these mixed signals, I don’t understand. After not talking to me for 2 whole days, she just sends me some reels on instagram lmao.

Should I keep going or stop talking to her? I need other perspectives.

1 comment
  1. If you like her and want to try dating her, ask her out. That’s really what it should come down to.

    I think you need to do it sooner than later, otherwise she might assume you only want to be friends and won’t think of you romantically.

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