I met this girl from work and I can tell she really liked me. So we made plans for me to spend the night at her place. I’ve had sex less than 5 times. Does anyone think it’s a good idea to do it with her for practice or is that messed up? It’s also been a while for me too

  1. That’s really not fair to her, in my opinion. You would be using her as an inanimate sex object, and not viewing her as a whole person with feelings, etc. But you do you…

  2. I would have to agree. Using people for sex is wrong. Unless both parties are down.

  3. If you’re both on the same page that it’s just a hookup then maybe but if she likes you and wants more than that then no. It’s also not a good idea to get with coworkers unless it’s worth losing the job to get with them. So at this point I’d say the answer is no. Don’t ghost her just be honest that it’s not a good idea to risk your jobs over it.

  4. Don’t do it. You’re not respecting your friend, and the fact that you’re asking on Reddit is you having some conscience that it’s a bad idea.

  5. I agree with with the general consensus, you might end up hurting her and that’s just not right.

    Girls sometimes use sex to get love. You already know she likes you , take that as a compliment and show her the respect she deserves.

  6. Thanks to you all. I felt conscious about doing it but I’m going to tell he I just want to be friends from now on. I’m glad I asked I didn’t want this to be on my mind

  7. Don’t do it bro. I tried this one. If you are not attracted, you are gonna end up feeling bad

  8. Oof. No, that’s messed up. You’re emotionally manipulating her for your own gain. Would she still consent if she knew you weren’t at all attracted to her and were just using her to “practice”? Not likely.

  9. Unless she is 100% on board that this is just sex and nothing else, do not do it. It’s abusive to take advantage of someone who likes you when you don’t feel the same. And not just with sex – a lot of people seek favors and attention from people who want sex with them, knowing it’s never going to happen. That is also abusive and rotten.

  10. It’s basic self respect and respecting her . If you want to “practice “ use a professional.

  11. I think it’s fine as long as you’re honest. Don’t tell her that you’re not attracted to her (obviously) but tell her you’re not gonna commit to her, have no interest in a relationship and you’re just looking to mess around. If she’s okay with that I don’t see the problem.

  12. If you both want to have sex with each other, then have sex with each other. I don’t intentionally go out seeking to sleep with women I don’t find attractive, but I’ve done it plenty of times nonetheless. Tbh, once the lights are out, you can’t see them anyway. It all just feels like a warm wet hole no matter how they look.

  13. she actually likes u and u just wanna use her as practice, i would say no. just get a fwb cause that could ruin the work environment

  14. Be straight up with your intentions and if she’s good with it, go for it. Do NOT play her to get “practice”

  15. Other people aren’t your test dummies. If you were both on the same page it would be different. But you know she “really likes you”. You’re just going to be leading her on and causing drama, especially in your work place, so you can get laid.

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